
Oberyn was amazing, and I liked Ellaria back in season 4. Everyone was hyped for what they would do with the rest of the Dorne story in season 5 onward…can't win em all I guess.

Oh lord, going on seven years now. Hard being a Robyn fan. This album is stellar though.

Sasha is being done dirty this season for real. I had a feeling they'd want to throw Shea a win after being in the bottom, but the lack of recognition is getting a little rediculous for my beautiful bald queen.

Season 7 girl, but I agree this season doesn't exactly have a Katya. But I also feel like, with the creative team of one of the earlier seasons, many of them would do just fine. There's something a bit "off" with the change in editing/production team etc. but many of these queens are impressively versatile from week

Oliver is kinda going ham (RIP Adore). I don't even bother thinking about his grades anymore. This was luckily one of the less cringey comedy challenges, albeit still a decent amount of cringe for sure. I think this season is one of the weaker ones overall, but still very solid, and the cast itself is excellent.

It's good though. Not perfect, can be melodramatic at times, but is heartfelt and works well more often than not. Tom Mcarthy directed the first couple and exec produces. And not everything involving young adults in fiction is garbage OLD MAN.

Yeah I've seen it every episode up here.

Agree it didn't entirely feel like a finale (aside from closing minutes) as much as episode five, but that's what you get when closing a season out midway through the source material rather than the end. Still better than cramming it all into one season.

Can you show us on the doll where The Walking Dead touched you?

Katya's lost to a gimmick the last two times. Alaska with the flag and Detox with dat ass. Not cheating but meh. I'm just bitter the girl hasn't won yet, though you know they picked Alaska last weak to keep Roxxxy for this weeks mom-daughter episode (and keep that rolaskatox story going). But Roxxxy staying yet again

The shows editing of Phi Phi is becoming a little too transparent…working a little hard to make her the villain, when much of what she says is rational or attempting to be honest. Most of the queens have backed up the shadiness of the editing (like the "manipulation" of Roxxxy in the snatch game episode, which both

In an interview somewhere Adore mentioned she was going through a recent breakup as well as family issues at the time. Makes more sense in that light.

That was mostly shady editing. Roxxxy even said she asked Phi Phi for her honest opinion about it before she decided to switch and that she was already feeling it was a good idea to switch. Although that clearly didn't work out.

They don't really establish when things are happening. Was a bit jarring, but he left before the ships were even started and the fleet is complete now, so clearly it was a while between those points.

Haven't read the book in years but it basically was completely different, just a nod towards the book. I believe the book has hundreds (or thousands) of people getting trapped in the casino as infected people close in on them.

CW actually wanted to pick it up for a third season, but they also were the ones that had it change days and times lots randomly, which killed the Canadian numbers, so Bell passed on a third season in Canada, which sealed it's fate. So technically it wasn't the CW who had it cancelled, but also they kinda did in a

Hannibal is criminally under-recognized in about every way.

I JUST started Doctor Who. What the fuck Netflix?

Fanboyism, likely, especially when it's an exclusive that's been anticipated. Seeing as most reviews have been positive, it's easier to pick out the more critical ones and whine.

… Because it's fun? Most people criticizing it here haven't even played the damn thing or own the console.