
An "A" doesn't successfully describe how great this was. More like "A++++!!!!!!!!!!!!, bitch!"

I refuse to get FXX mostly because of its terrible name.

This article is the worst thing ever kill it with fire.

I was excited to watch Justified live, for once, before I realized they don't even have the airing rights. To their own goddamn show.

Her privileges are obvious, but holding them against her is rather pointless. I'd rather the story be told at all than complain about whose perspective it's told from.

Ummm "The Marry Prankster" was damn awesome. Funniest episode of the season.

I quite enjoyed the book (don't hurt me, Todd!). I didn't see it as a "white middle-class woman goes through 'hardship'" kind of book, as she really made it more about the broken system and the people who find themselves behind bars. I liked how anti-climactic it could to be, how the women formed a community and were

Well I thought it worked wonderfully. Opinions!

Honestly. What a fuckin' downer. This movie's been getting enthusiastic reviews in general, and I love the talent involved on both sides of the camera, so I'll be seeing it for sure.

It's at 77 on MetaCritic with 27 reviews, which is pretty damn good for a first season. So yeah. In general critics at least are pretty enthusiastic.

Technically it was a Top 100, and Breaking Bad was at 18. Which is blasphemy, of course, but other than that the top 10 is pretty good. The Wire at number one is on the money (although BB's final season could pretty handily top The Wire's)

Or literally anything.

Don't mind my behind the times response, but he was on Degrassi for years. If you like him enough to watch.

They totally planned that shit.

That reveal was so beyond excellent.

I hope she isn't as fucked up as the books. It'll make this whole thing a little less painful. Though for smoke/fire, did he describe Beric as being smoky, seeing as he was brought back a bajillion times? I don't remember that.

That was the first time in a long time I've felt physically ill watching a TV show. I thought I was pretty desensitized to violence, but dammit! Ugh…

I liked that switch-up. Threatening the mentally-challenged jester in the books didn't have the same kind of "maybe he'll let them go" vibe.

Watching her getting stabbed made me physically ill. Fuck…

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus As a season-ender, though, it would be perfect. And I'm guessing they're going to REALLY change up the material from books 4 and 5, so they'd probably add stuff in for her.