
This is just a liberal conspiracy to normalize hatred of Southern Heritage and real intolerance and racism!

/sarcasm, to non-idiots

Except for that one Ronaldo bust/statue, right? Are we rocketing that into the sun or adopting it a la The Goonies' Sloth?

Add a “YEAH JEETS **fist pump**” figure popping up at the top when the Marlins hit HRs and you got something special.

Not wrong.

Buffalo still has a team...?

Marchman is BACK...

So you’re saying there’s a chance? <33% Lawrence means 60% of the time, I get chlamydia 100% of the time.

“Really inspiring message for dumb slow white guys everywhere.”


i see whut u did der

I just posted the same. Did not care; now care!

McGregor’s gonna lose for sure...unless Mayweather takes a dive...? For a rematch purse...? ...? Kayfabe...?

*your, idiot.

“If you turn to shit-tweeting simply because some jackass at one shit company you had a job at bitched at you about something ridiculous, you’re an easily-triggered, safe space desperate snowflake.” - Jeff Foxworthy, probably

Seriously, though, you’re go to story to explain how you turned into a white supremacist is

Phillips looks alright to me.

“Still better than MLS.” - Haisley

“He led with his head/crown of the helmet.” Full stop. It’s a penalty.

There are people that think these articles are good trolling (lolno) and the comments are basically equivalent to the oblivious idiots that get mad at WYTS articles with zero understanding that most people aren’t defensive about MLS, they’re calling out asinine points being made.

Yeah, it’s totally subtle and not completely obvious, like all high level trolling.

MLS is a shitty league that is shitty on purpose in an effort for the league’s wealthy owners to not have to expose themselves to risks or the large salary costs that are fundamental aspects of soccer at the highest level.