
Yeah.. startups dont have web presence. And usually a bunch of people working part time on a project. Web presence is the least of their worries. A lack of web presence isnt any indication of a good or bad company.

By the same token, a company can have a ton of web presence and still not tell you if a company is a

There’s often 3 weeks to a month before you get paid. All this came out at 6 weeks, seems like a reasonable timeline.

Start-up life?

I worked for a start up studio that had absolutely no online footprint and comprised of no more than 5-8 people in some tiny basement office.

Wow, this hits home. We hired a designer last year who has been an awesome addition to our team. We don’t do games, but we are in a field that has some overlap, so we sometimes get candidates who are from the game industry.

We’d been working with this new designer for 6 months before it came out that at their last

Wow, it’s crazy how you can be so condescending and yet so wrong in the same comment.

Said like someone who has never experienced how much time and money a lawsuit sucks up.

Without a contract it can be difficult, especially since many of the people affected were in different countries.

Forgive my language, but...wow, for real, fuck this guy. As someone who works in the industry, it’s a little hard to even put into words how angry a story like this makes me.

Oh, shit! Look at that. A freak hail storm that only covered 100 square feet directly above the Tesla. Look those dents! Must have been grapefruit-sized hail . . . flying sideways. Blame it on climate change.

Slightly of the topic. Can’t help myself... 

0. Luke Skywalker

Thanks for calling my grandmother famous.

Fact: Soda takes years off your life.

Lacking any other information or facts in this story, assuming even that you believe whatever the teacher said, this is and 11 YEAR OLD GIRL! 

Should we be happy they didn’t call the resource officer and had her tased and arrested? They didn’t even suspend her for being disruptive! Must be a “progressive” school.

“In addition, our team is coming together to create a full support plan to ensure that students is safe and fully supported at school.”

then lost his balance and fell on top of her.

On leave? Make it permanent, and unpaid.

Ah, yes, and here we have another example of “Reasons to commit murder.” The school system seems to provide quite a few of those.