TVLINE | Where is Cal? Is he still in Iceland?
MANSON | He’s doing whatever Khaleesi tells him to do.
TVLINE | Where is Cal? Is he still in Iceland?
MANSON | He’s doing whatever Khaleesi tells him to do.
"Who’s driving the getaway car at this point?"
But they didn't seem like separate people because they were written and conceived that way. the girls were all raised in vastly different environments which is why they turned into vastly different people. The boys were all raised together with the exception of Ira. They weren't meant to be different.
Not to take away from her performance at all which is as good as every other clone, but I think the reason she's harder to link to the others is because of the glasses and eye liner break up the visual so you can't see her entire uninterrupted face to compare to the others.
Nah, she's gained weight too. Just growing pains that she has to do through on screen, unlike other kids. It is distracting given the condensed timeline of the TV show, but that's the realities of production sometimes.
Yeah, the clunky dialog mission statements really stuck out. Subtext took a vacation this week. And it also was an odd episode to do it in cause much of the plot revolved around one of the male victims.
That was where the episode ended so you didn't miss anything.
She also grew up doing improv with Art's new partner cause they're from the same home town.
I think you're right that she's gonna cut herself, but I think it was meant to be a fake out for people to think she'll cut the mouse.
Arya aged a lot. She just happens to be short, unlike all the other kids on the show that turned into giants.
Yeah, the last time she looked that much like Sarah was when she woke up in rehab and her makeup and hair was messed up.
I'd rather she have nothing too, but I find it more interesting than super healing.
The biggest tragedy of this scenario is that Ferdinand shouldn't even be alive. MK is gonna kill him until Sarah tells her not to cause only he can help her get the bot out of her face. AND THEN SHE NEVER TALKS TO FERDINAND BETWEEN FREEING HIM AND GETTING THE BOT OUT OF HER FACE. If he helped save Sarah only to…
You'll get several next episode based on previews.
Landis mentioned a few weeks ago that Dirk's jackets get progressively less outlandish as the world catches up to his weirdness. So the hoodie was probably in this episode because it was a point of maximum weird.
In the hospital Dom when they were sending her home, she said she wanted to be there for the Interview. I assume the interview will be with a taken in for questioning Darlene.
Nah, even if you ignore the large lesbian following of the show, she also has the other plot armor of being the only scientist clone in a show about science. She's never really been a credible threat of dying cause of that. I stopped paying attention to her yearly health threats around Season 2.
I don't go around announcing my country, state, or city in regular conversations with other people that live in my country, state, or city either.
The problems is all TV does feature Ms Solo these days, which is probably why Shay wasn't back. She was really busy last year.
It's only been brought up in the comics, but in addition to the scar, MK also has aspergers, so it's really difficult for her to interact with new people.