But maybe this is the guy who really burned Michael!
But maybe this is the guy who really burned Michael!
They've been doing an after show in Canada for years, and they just started also airing it on BBC this year. So it's not actually new.
Well in Entertainment Weekly's case, their click baity headline is intentionally drawing these sort of responses. I imagine a lot of the responders haven't even watched the show.
Yeah. They told her what was gonna happen just before ComicCon when they had her record that dialog for the trailer.
They said on the after show she's performed in that bar before.
Yeah, I think the Delphine stuff is more them bending to fan will than doing what's right for the show. It made more sense for her to die there the way it was written. Now that we have a definite time frame for the series, Cosima and Delphine were a thing for maybe 3 or 4 months, and that was on and off, with a LOT…
In year 1 the network didn't want them to be specific about the city/country. After year 1 the network stopped caring, so they've been free to lean into it as hard as they want. This episode they specifically picked the location for the view of the skyline.
I think it's either that, or Susan leaving her some information now that she knows her time in the clone game is about up.
It wasn't completely done with one person. When you only see one person's face it's still her with a double. Kathryn's head is skinnier than Tat's so you can tell she's playing Beth at the start of the hug, and in the shots that show only MK's face.
Susan Duncan just wants to make more clones. That's why Charlotte was created. She doesn't give a damn about Rachel being able to have kids because she was specifically designed not to. Specifically designed by Susan herself, according to Ethan.
Last week was the first week he was in the credits. Although I had to have someone else point that out to me.
comes out May 25th
Nah, I didn't forget. I was just listing the ones that died during Helsinki itself. I left out Katja and the polish girl that brought the group together since their demise came by different, frizzy haired means.
Only MK and Niki were from Finland. There were 2 sisters from Amsterdam, 1 from Denmark, 1 Czech girl, and a girl who doesn't really have a home location.
Yeah, Rachel was definitely telling her mom what she thought she wanted her to hear. And Susan waited for the answer before revealing that she caught her slipping notes to Charlotte, so it backfired.
Deciding to go public is literally why Helsinki happened. They thought they'd be safer, and topside got wind of it and was like "oh hell no" and murdered everyone.
Or, maybe the route they're going is that the Hendrix's will need legal counsel and this becomes Better Call Adele
My thought on Tony is if you're gonna have to possibly break a clone out of a secure facility, it helps to have a getaway driver clone on speed dial.