Jacob H

but this kneeling is only slightly related to the original kneeling. There was kneeling about police brutality, then about doing it to prove it could be done, and now it’s becoming a way to protest an idiot owner. We’re creeping closer and closer to the kneeling-cause-of-the-week.

When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”

Church goers are racist hypocrites. What a shock!

Wasn’t the driver going roughly twice the posted speed limit? 🤔

Oh fuck off. You get in someone else’s supercar, you hit the gas, the tires aren’t “performing at the level they should be”? If you decide to double the speed limit on a public street in a vehicle that you are not personally 100% certain of, it’s on you, bro.

Yass, I loved the online Dominion too. Though I had a hard time moving up in the ranking because apparently I suck at Dominion.

The only reason Candy Land might be useful is as a distraction for very young children. Its inclusion, especially so high on the list, makes me think this article is just trolling.

3,456,678,666 on the list:


Waaaaait, you have Candy Land at four? That’s absurd.

CANDY LAND? Fuck that shit. Awful fucking game.

The laziest thing SHE has ever done.

To defeat the Huns?

Because of Mindy Kaling’s work on the office, I really wanted to like this show but I could never get into it. I no longer have any patience for shows that with horrible people as protagonists but don’t acknowledge it. I love It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia because it’s super aware that The Gang are the worst. I get


You’re missing four orders of magnitude there. 143,000,000 people.

This is misleading information, at best. This graphic from the Union of Concerned Scientists really brings it into focus.

Thank you. This just made my shitty afternoon a lot less shitty. COTD!

Whatever it is I’m sure the fuel companies hate it.

It’s pretty clear, bro.