Jacob H

I know how you feel; the other day i was playing Car Mechanic Simulator on the subway

seems like you could make the whole thing a bit more stable if you scooped out the center part of the pickle halves

Rhode island makes some sense, it’s tiny.  but Wyoming?  why aren’t they there?

what if the point isn’t to save money, or improve the flavor, but to mitigate the negative effect beef has on the environment?

She’s also an anti-vaxxer, something most writers for GMG think is not very smart

i despise malt beverage flavor, but i’ve tried those “Truly” hard seltzers, and i honestly can’t detect any of that sickly sweet malt flavor

Mario Royale has actually been taken all the way down now; apparently even the sprite edits weren’t enough for the lawyers

ah so she does, my mistake

a lot of sports permit that.  what we think of as the “men’s” division is, in some sports, actually the “open” division

I think it’s also sort of relevant that McKinnon is herself a trans athlete, and one who only began to win races after her transition, in the women’s division! So what is she going to do, cast doubt on the legitimacy of her own wins?  I find it hard to believe the author did not know that

for the sequel they should have you do it with your registry

You’re not only cheating your kid, you’re cheating yourself

The thing about Pirate Joe’s, IIRC, was that there wasn’t even a Trader Joe’s anywhere nearby in Canada! In fact, there are none in Canada at all. So it’s not even like they were conceivable even competing with a ‘legit’ Trader Joe’s!  Of course, even if they were, TJ’s was still getting full retail price for the

Golden Pee 2019

Tony Hawk should team up with Apple or Samsung and make a mobile game where you do tricks by flipping your phone up in the air

excellent use of euphemism!

Not that there’s anything WRONG with that!

I was scuba diving in a river about ten years ago, and i found a howitzer shell!  or at least it was a huge intact shell, 50mm or whatever.  luckily there was a sheriff’s boat nearby and I flagged them down.  They thought I had found a corpse at first, then they got closer and I hoisted the thing over my head

sure, Dead Branch + shiv deck is great too.  there’s a lot of exhaustion decks you could build that would go great with Branch

i’ve found that the relics Dead Branch and Tough Bandages are extremely good, OP even