Jacob H

Very first sentence:

just because you haven’t copyrighted something yet, that actually doesn’t mean you can’t sue. it just means you are limited to suing for actual damages, rather than some other kind (for example punitive or liquidated damages)

It’s ironic that Fe made the list

at least now they have something to retire with

that’s NO good

it’s good, but it’s way too short

you do realize i was making an Infinity War joke, yes?

k nvm they didn’t

were those GC Star Wars games not published by them?

to preserve system resources, half the roster will be eliminated from the game

some might see it as “cheating” but you could always watch a youtube vid of someone beating the boss

are these on amazon prime or chiron beta prime

are these on amazon prime or chiron beta prime

it’s not, i was joking

fitting, he hated mail

isn’t this somewhat at odds with their recent policy announcement regarding the hands-off policy on games in the steam store?  i mean, good on them for doing something, but someone could put kuku in a game saying the exact same thing and sell it out of the steam store, correct?

they’ve been in the back room taking acetone to masterpieces to fix their supply issue.  sorry vermeer!

never pre-order

never pre-order

wow, this is candid.  Awesome interview, nice job!

awwwww!  well at least there will be a bit more content, but this is disappointing.  maybe one day we’ll get EtG II

This looks incredible to me and I’ve never even played Pokemon