excellent example
excellent example
Sometimes they take a clear side. I can quote chapter and verse, but if you think about it you’ll agree
When M&T come out and explicitly state their intention I’m sure you’ll still deny it
So I’m wrong...? Or the people I’m responding to are wrong and I shouldn’t bother, or... I’m sorry, I’m not getting your point
Dennis Miller ha cha cha
Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don’t. They didn’t go after Scientologists and anti-Scientologists alike. They didn’t go after people who thought Mohommad shouldn’t be censored. They didn’t go after ‘anti-truthers’ (for lack of a better word)
I’m very familiar with South Park, and they do, in fact take sides sometimes. Were they ‘not on any side’ about the depiction of Mohommad? Were they ‘not on any side’ regarding Scientology?
In about 5 seconds there’s going to be some direct quote from M & T explicitly stating their intention, will you still deny it then?
If the difficulty slider ends up being fake, then I agree with you. If it’s real, then they are saying it’s real
I will agree with you IF the difficulty setting is secretly the same, but we can’t know that yet. But if it legitimately is a higher difficulty level, then that seems like a clear message
Is it? It seems clear it is endorsing the idea that things are tougher for minorities in the US, and ergo the idea of white privilege. Explain how it is parodying that idea
Cue alt-right meltdown
I don’t care, I’m still going to do it now
Man, it’s really too bad that Nintendo went out of business, or they could have helped a lot with this!
I guess I’m just ignorant, but I never knew Jesus had a belt of thorns.
I just visited the UO a couple hours ago - sure is smoky since legalization
It isn’t often that you can predict a show will fail based purely on the name alone...but, well...
nono he should res everyone on BOTH teams