Jacob H

I hear koalas swirl in the other direction down there

So the takeaway is that they changed it, got it

Esports not being included makes sense, given that every other event is primarily physical, while esports are almost entirely mental. Chess isn’t in the Olympics, either.

Now, escorts in the Olympics will probably stick around for a while

Well, you know what they say - ‘When in Brome, brew as the Bromans brew’

True, but the coverage of that was actually pretty good

Pardon my ignorance (I’m still waiting for the price on this to drop), but does this add anything to the single-player game? Do any of the updates?

Huh how bout that:

Hey, a Twain quote I’ve never heard! I wonder what the odds are it’s actually a Twain quote. It’s a good one too

For the sweet, sweet stars. Same as Morio

Plumber? No - he has a hammer, right? So he’s a carpenter. If he were a plumber he would have a plunger or a snake or something.

Cloud is an Xbox character, not Nintendo! He’s from Dragon Questers!

Let’s not get crazy. I was going to reference a generic fantasy hero, but I can’t find the Link

If they even need a more distinguished alias they can always go with Keith Oldermann

What’s ‘Pikachu,’ some kind of dinosaur? What’s next, a hero who is a toilet repairman?

I misread the headline as Finger Murdered by Parrot. You have to admit, that makes a lot of sense too

Never heard of him. Is he supposed to be Greek or something? A Greek carpenter, real memorable

Wow, I love Peach’s new look! Nintendo might finally have designed a memorable character!

Catalog, or pamphlet?