Jacob H

I think you might have an extra word in and there

Pfft. Orzo, MAYBE. That thing looks huge

Employers have asserted control of their workers’ body for decades, if not centuries, but THIS is too far? Every employer in the country can fire you for what you put in your body on your off hours, and require you give them biological samples to enforce this.

ah. Human bowling ball = baby

I would love to know how she knows that

I thought I had appendicitis when I got mine. I probably got the location of my appendix wrong, but I thought I was going to need emergency surgery or I was going to die.

Yea, it should say “Travel, or keep your privacy secure - the choice may soon be yours”

I think his handle might be at least semi-ironic

I’m pretty sure that if you re-read his (SLB) comment, you’ll see he was agreeing with you.

I thought the whole point of PUBG was that it was a Battle Royale/Highlander style competition where there “are no rules” and only one can win.

He’s with Harambe now

There are ice creams, such as haagen daaz, that make ice cream with no artificial ingredients (if memory serves, there are only like 5 ingredients - cream, sugar, eggs, milk and flavoring, or something close to that.)

So no chance whatsoever of it being better than the original? Not even 1%? Admittedly, that does seem unlikely, since the original is near perfect.

I usually get air goggles after too long at the oxygen bar, and end up going home with a real airhead

You know, I never understood why they don’t just push them back into the water when this happens. Would they just beach themselves again, or are they afraid of hurting them in the process...? Either way, they should try.

Man, what is it with this generation and always needing constant validation? Now please give this post a +1

Shocking! Why, I heard they are even performing “Rite of Spring”!

Repeating a line to catch anyone who leaks this article, clever!

Dead Cells?

Maybe it would be useful to explain why he would be facing charges. Are we to assume that Argentina has a law against Nazi propaganda/artifacts? The US doesn’t, and you are writing for a primarily US audience, so maybe spend a couple sentences explaining why they could seize these things and what charge the guy could