Jacob H

I thought the whole point of PUBG was that it was a Battle Royale/Highlander style competition where there “are no rules” and only one can win.

There are ice creams, such as haagen daaz, that make ice cream with no artificial ingredients (if memory serves, there are only like 5 ingredients - cream, sugar, eggs, milk and flavoring, or something close to that.)

I usually get air goggles after too long at the oxygen bar, and end up going home with a real airhead

You know, I never understood why they don’t just push them back into the water when this happens. Would they just beach themselves again, or are they afraid of hurting them in the process...? Either way, they should try.

Man, what is it with this generation and always needing constant validation? Now please give this post a +1

Shocking! Why, I heard they are even performing “Rite of Spring”!

Repeating a line to catch anyone who leaks this article, clever!

Dead Cells?

Great, now terrorists will get the idea to grow beards. Thanks a lot, Billy

Right, but you didn’t ask if he’d seen Pixels

Dudes, repaint your microphone

Wait, so you heard the chorus of boos and changed course on the VC? Who are you and what have you done with Nintendo?

This reminds me the most of the grappling hook mechanic in Speedrunners

Thinking is different than blaming

There’s some vagueness in this article. You say he checked the resolution, but was it actually on the wrong resolution, or was he just checking? Also, did he actually verbally blame the resolution for his loss, or are you just inferring that? I don’t see an actual quote.

The Crossing appears to mimic the plot of a South Park episode. DERE TAKIN AR JOBS

The really impressive thing is that the artist is a cat

when I was a kid we would sometimes eat PB&J omelettes

There’s a real anti-stomach agenda at work here

Are you absolutely sure about that? I thought that casting directors could put out calls for specific ethnicities.