Jacob H

Cartman never dies in South Park. You mean Kenny

With only porn to pull from, Pornhub’s bot told me I ought to follow Rogue One with something called “Spooky Ghost Blowjob.”

I’m sure I’ll get hate for this, but how is a guy who went street racing on public roads a role model? What if it had been a TWO car accident instead of a one car accident, and he had ended up killing an innocent person? Would he still be so revered? Because as I see it, it was pure luck that that didn’t happen.

Pawn four is not a very descriptive location. There are eight pawn fours

Why do they call it that?

While I agree with this in general, in principle - I wonder whether they really can’t tell the difference between a game given away by the dev, and a game just given to a friend. I don’t want devs gaming the reviews on a cheap game by giving away a ton of copies, but I’ve given games to friends on Steam before, and

But will they delay your game?

This isn’t Malmo! Where’s the riots, where’s the looting? Where’s the IS flag rising over the Ministry of Sharia?

It’s so bad, you actually SHOULD see it, like as an anthropological curiosity

Yes. My adibing question is: “Which is worse, Clerks 2, or Blues Brothers 2000?”

So they were lying when they said they were not going to have the obnoxious friend codes?:

If that’s true, that’s the exception. When I drove for 2 different taxi companies, all the drivers were independent contractors who rented vehicles by the day from the taxi company. This led to all the same things that Uber is being criticized for, low pay, no benefits, etc. As far as I know, this is pretty much the

re: headline

I wonder if they actually made trophies that look like that.

However, the comet does make a full orbit of the Earth every 5.25 years, so we can always hope for better luck on a future pass.

Regardless of his point and whether you agree or not, wouldn’t it have been much wittier to say “I’m dreaming of a white genocide”?

Do you see any irony in the fact that when it’s conservatives fighting for the poor baker, the poor photographer, forced to paricipate in GAY MARRIAGE against their will, trying (and succeeding) to pass laws protecting them from firing, the response is “yay conscience laws! no forced speech!”. The same goes for the