Jacob H

GIF partaaayyy


“Technically” a Bowie? He’s as much a Bowie as a person can be, no need for technicalities

When they make X-Men: Inferno, Joe Dante should direct

Thanks to the standard mouse-on-right setup most people have, we are raising a whole generation of men who are proficient at masturbating southpaw

You know, this whole thing just illustrates how simplistic Lucas’ thinking is on this - to all of us watching the original version, the situation was extremely clear (especially after eps V & VI): Han was facing a fate worse than death (carbonite until Jabba grew bored with him, then most likely the Rancor pit), so he

IIRC, he is a British citizen of Turkish descent

to clarify, opinions can’t be defamatory, by definition (as long as you aren’t implying undisclosed facts, eg “I’ve looked into the guy’s finances, and while I can’t go into detail, hooo boy is that guy corrupt)

good catch, thanks. Still pretty weak sauce... Implying that someone is “thuggish,” or “mafialike” is classic opinion, and if that’s defamatory, FOX news would need to shut down

Has Denise Crosby been cast as Carol Danvers yet or what?? jk

Apparantly it’s defamatory to refer to two brothers as “brothers”....ok

It shaved him too

That one’s a real danpemic

There’s some good beginner’s tips here, and some good advanced ones down here in the comments, but I’m surprised nobody mentioned the basic tip that you can get to your router’s “homepage” by opening your browser and typing into the address field. This of course works even with no internet, and you get

The football they are playing with is a “Redskins” football (or a close comic book analog). They have red skin.

“Govern yourself accordingly”

Yes, the commentators can ease some of these problems, but they can only do so much