Jacob H

You're assuming that a Captain Marvel movie would have to be her origin story, or at least take place during that time. Why? There's no reason why her movie couldn't start with her being 40.

I haven't read the comic so I don't know, but does anyone in the Batman '66 comic tersely demand prescriptions from Harley? "Dr. Quinn - medicine, woman!"

You're not fully clean until you're Zestiria clean!

The Charlie's Angels francise and Bridesmaids are the only ones I can think of right now

Well, they did have an unlicensed nuclear reactor in the heart of downtown Manhatten

Well, they <em>did</em> have an unlicensed nuclear reactor in the heart of downtown Manhatten

Well, they <em>did</em> have an unlicensed nuclear reactor in the heart of downtown Manhatten

You can tell who somebody is by their bra size? Impressive! Would you mind demonstrating? Who's 36C?

Now if only games still had loading times...

There is going to be one

The exterior of this house looks very familiar, has this been in any well-known movies? Sexy Beast, maybe?

Pebble Steel Deal...

Pebble Steel Deal...

Seems accurate to me. Sorry, I'd type more but it's pretty hard on the beak

Now playing

This is a pretty awesome "unpickable lock" as well:

It comes with track lighting, that's a nice plus!