
Is Jason Isaacs too old?

How did it lead to his death? I don't think you have the facts straight there.

Obviously they'll just get The Rock to play F. Scott, but I'd like to see Matt Damon.

I assume they've sued Michael Chabon as well?

"Mystic Falls has had more social functions than any other small town in history, real or fictional."

100% agreed on West Wing. That was a bricked layup of a closing line.

I presume you read Brandon Stroud on wrestling? He covers LU each week.

There's a discussion on Justified about Bass Reeves, and how he should be way more famous. I already miss that show.

Oh, and fuck Leno.

Letterman is an icon. I'm not sure people realize how rare it is to have wide-reaching mass appeal as well as a near-universally revered status among critics and colleagues, but Dave has it, and I have a hard time imagining anyone else approaching such status again. There are just too many things working against it.

They did, on PBS, but if you blinked you missed it. The DVD is hard to find as well, though I'd suggest you check your library, (of all places, right?) as that's where I found copies.

Season 3 crossover with Case Histories, anyone?

Sorkin walk and talk.

@will harris Justified. You won't regret watching. Season 2 remains one of my favorite things ever put on television.

"Bastard" by Ben Folds always felt like this sort of song, but it's hard to say for sure. It's great either way.

Holy shit, more time has passed between Peter Jackson's King Kong and today than passed between Lost World and King Kong? So weird to think about. I guess my view of the world changed more from age 10 to age 18 than it did from age 18 to age 27.

As it's being written by James Strouse, I have high hopes that it will be set in Northern Indiana; maybe even filmed here, as his Lonesome Jim was.

The West Wing is still on Netflix, right? The first two seasons are two of my favorite things ever. (3 and 4 are also excellent, excellent television. Your mileage may vary beyond that point.)

Came out in 2007, "Falling Slowly" won the Oscar for Best Song. Well worth your time. And, if you hate it, feel free to come back and make fun of me, but it was one of the most-liked movies that year, so I feel fairly safe.

While I absolutely love both O Brother, Where Art Thou? AND it's soundtrack, I'll have to think about this for awhile, because Once did a comparably fantastic job integrating the music as well.