
This sounds a bit like Listen Up Phillip without any of the self-awareness.

We may not have seen them interact but we did see Jorah recount to Barristan Selmy the story of following Thoros and his flaming sword through the wall at the Seige of Pyke.

Wow, Wonder Woman not making it fascinates me.

Yeah, so that's not really what the documentary focused on, but whatever you say dude.

"I hate how on Pet Sounds, all the songs end on a fade-out, which has always felt like a songwriting cop-out. And with Sgt. Pepper’s (and, really, with most Beatles albums), every time Ringo Starr does his signature in-between-lyrics drum fill on the toms, it sounds outmoded and passé—which in the end, is how I feel

Glad Mr. Peanutbutter got this project off the ground

Tim Olyphant auditioned as well. His quick anecdote about it on Conan is well worth everyone's time.

"They get nostalgic for the last ten years before the last ten years have passed", said Ben Folds, 12 years ago.

I absolutely love dogs, and I've never had one that I'd consider subservient. The best and most memorable moments have been when the dog is emphatically displaying his or her personality, whether it's what I want at that time or not.

The one thing I wish I'd noted when I wrote my own review of the season was that there should have been a callback to the season 1 cheating wife episode. Even just a joke about it. Felt like relevant experience Dev should have been drawing on.

1969-2017 is longer than 1974-2016, is my point, and others have pointed out other longer examples.

So, I hate to be this guy, but this passage:

Fuck this guy too.

It's not an original concept; any anthology uses the same basic idea. You could even say the Simpsons did it first, unsurprisingly. But High Maintenance debuted when, October 2016? That's a pretty quick turnaround for Master of None to have ripped it off or been aware of it specifically, right?

If you work in a virtual office, as I do, it's really helpful. Real-time chatting works a lot differently than texting, and it's helpful to have the desktop functionality as well as mobile.

Which is not the same thing. Considering the rest of the real life Orange County influences, and the showbiz satire elements as well, to me it's pretty clearly satirizing a very particular brand of California wealth, with the incompetent kids wasting the corruptly earned money of their parent's business. That's the

Yes and no? It's very collaborative, you can set up multiple groups and main message boards, it's searchable, you can still have private convos (including with multiple people in the same channel) etc. It combines and streamlines a lot of functionality you can get in other tools into one thing. I really like it, fwiw.

Again, that read more as a timely nod to incompetence than the Bluths being the Bush family. And I don't think GOB and Jeb really works either. It doesn't really line up that way as satire.

I don't really agree at all with the premise that the Bluths were stand-ins for the Bush family. That's not a widely held belief, is it? There were some political connections, especially throughout the series, but it seems like a standard Orange County wealthy idiot family satire, along with some inverse Royal