
I didn't think the scene with Don belittled women anymore than women are belittled in television newsrooms every day.  And men, and minorities, and the elderly, and the young.  I feel like that's an honest depiction of how TV and ad people talk about women.

I didn't think the scene with Don belittled women anymore than women are belittled in television newsrooms every day.  And men, and minorities, and the elderly, and the young.  I feel like that's an honest depiction of how TV and ad people talk about women.

That's very true.  And it's equally true that the founding fathers wanted religion as far away from government as possible.

That's very true.  And it's equally true that the founding fathers wanted religion as far away from government as possible.

There was a blackout on Sports Night, but just of the studio/newsroom on the Sports Night floor, caused by Jeremy attempting to run a Y2K test.

There was a blackout on Sports Night, but just of the studio/newsroom on the Sports Night floor, caused by Jeremy attempting to run a Y2K test.

Never saw that, but I did see Lars and the Real Girl, with both Schneider and Emily Mortimer.  That was the reunion this episode made me think of.

Never saw that, but I did see Lars and the Real Girl, with both Schneider and Emily Mortimer.  That was the reunion this episode made me think of.

A couple of things, in one post:

A couple of things, in one post:

And what's your opinion on the crucial issue of whether or not those young filmmakers should get off your lawn?

And what's your opinion on the crucial issue of whether or not those young filmmakers should get off your lawn?

I was going to mention that LOTR, more than most recent sci-fi/fantasy CGI fests, used a lot of miniature work/puppets/live actors/costumes/props, etc.  It really gave a different, and superior, feel to the films, as opposed to them going all-CGI.

I was going to mention that LOTR, more than most recent sci-fi/fantasy CGI fests, used a lot of miniature work/puppets/live actors/costumes/props, etc.  It really gave a different, and superior, feel to the films, as opposed to them going all-CGI.

Spider-Man, for one. (Well, two, now, sadly.)  But I agree that it's not exactly a trope.

Spider-Man, for one. (Well, two, now, sadly.)  But I agree that it's not exactly a trope.

I liked it. The scene where the whole family is begging Paul Dano to come back to the van after his whole life's plan had just been crushed, and he keeps refusing until Abigail Breslin walks down the embankment and silently puts her arm around him/hugs him for a few moments, upon which he agrees to go…man.  That was a

I liked it. The scene where the whole family is begging Paul Dano to come back to the van after his whole life's plan had just been crushed, and he keeps refusing until Abigail Breslin walks down the embankment and silently puts her arm around him/hugs him for a few moments, upon which he agrees to go…man.  That was a

Agree. Was just about to bring that up. Could toss Sports Night in there as well, actually.

Agree. Was just about to bring that up. Could toss Sports Night in there as well, actually.