
That was hideous, although at least it was about a 24 year-old.  Still hideous.  Imagine the backlash if a female commentator said that about a male gymnast, or Ryan Lochte, or whomever.  Unbelievable.

That was hideous, although at least it was about a 24 year-old.  Still hideous.  Imagine the backlash if a female commentator said that about a male gymnast, or Ryan Lochte, or whomever.  Unbelievable.

May have been shown live on one of the cable channels, and was probably streamed through NBC's horribly inept streaming service, but as far as network NBC coverage, they showed a 1-minute featurette, and that was it.

May have been shown live on one of the cable channels, and was probably streamed through NBC's horribly inept streaming service, but as far as network NBC coverage, they showed a 1-minute featurette, and that was it.

It's a beautiful instrument.

It's a beautiful instrument.

How in the world has no one mentioned the one episode of Sports Night, where the entire opening scene is Dan trading favors back and forth in order to switch shifts with Casey to go see Tom Waits?

How in the world has no one mentioned the one episode of Sports Night, where the entire opening scene is Dan trading favors back and forth in order to switch shifts with Casey to go see Tom Waits?

I assume Letterman actually accepted the award, which is rare for him.  But, then, not showing up for his own lifetime achievement award would be just about right for Dave.

I assume Letterman actually accepted the award, which is rare for him.  But, then, not showing up for his own lifetime achievement award would be just about right for Dave.

In fairness, Sarah Hyland is 21, which would make her an adult cast member.

In fairness, Sarah Hyland is 21, which would make her an adult cast member.

@avclub-9ce04591654645426079a7c2faa385e4:disqus No, you're fine, I just don't take being accused of tolerating Joe Buck lightly. He blows.  But I'll take a live soccer match with questionable commentary over tape-delayed coverage.  I can ignore Joe Buck; in fact, I've had a lot of practice doing just that.

@avclub-9ce04591654645426079a7c2faa385e4:disqus No, you're fine, I just don't take being accused of tolerating Joe Buck lightly. He blows.  But I'll take a live soccer match with questionable commentary over tape-delayed coverage.  I can ignore Joe Buck; in fact, I've had a lot of practice doing just that.

@avclub-9ce04591654645426079a7c2faa385e4:disqus No…I believe my last line expressly says I wish it was staying at ESPN.

@avclub-9ce04591654645426079a7c2faa385e4:disqus No…I believe my last line expressly says I wish it was staying at ESPN.

You're right, it is weird to think that he made the right call for once.  And I'm no ESPN lover, but they absolutely have provided amazing soccer coverage, especially EURO 2008-onward.  (The British broadcasters they used for World Cup 2010 was a breakthrough moment in American coverage, for me.  None of their regular

You're right, it is weird to think that he made the right call for once.  And I'm no ESPN lover, but they absolutely have provided amazing soccer coverage, especially EURO 2008-onward.  (The British broadcasters they used for World Cup 2010 was a breakthrough moment in American coverage, for me.  None of their regular

But contrast it with ABC/ESPN, which shows every World Cup/EURO soccer match live, when they could also show it in tape-delayed.  It's not real athletic drama if it happened 9 hours before you see it happen.

But contrast it with ABC/ESPN, which shows every World Cup/EURO soccer match live, when they could also show it in tape-delayed.  It's not real athletic drama if it happened 9 hours before you see it happen.