Jayne Allyson

Even if he was being kind, that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t inadvertently hurt the boy.

My reaction to the judgment of the mom is summed up by the Just World Fallacy. If I can find a way to blame the mom, then I don’t have to think about the fact that something like this could happen to my child.

My favorite part is how people apparently think that breaking Roberts’ Rules at a private event is a jailable offense.

I don’t think anyone’s speech rights should be abridged, and I’m not advocating for criminal prosecution absent an actual threat, but on a non-criminal basis, saying shit like “I know where your kids go to school” is creepy as fuck and deserves moral, if not legal, opprobrium.

Soylent Liberal

He’s doing worse than chilling: he’s actually thawing out the icy attitudes from the RNC and GOP establishment, and slowly bringing them on board.

Don’t forget “low information voter”, which is code for “dumb blacks who don’t know any better”.

I want for the people constantly bringing up the “super predators” quote to also hold this quote over Bernie’s head forever.

God, seriously. My friends are fellow 30-somethings who have never fucking voted and now suddenly are pissed about bureaucracy being bureaucracy. Shit, I had my political awakening freshman year of high school with the Bush/Gore election. How are these adults who grew up during 9/11, the Bush years, and the Obama

There are two things about Sanders’ rhetoric lately that are really frustrating me and both center around the fact that he has openly talked about not being a Democrat and only running as a Democrat because it allows him to reach a broader base than running as an independent:

All Democrats are Republicans. The only real Democrats aren’t Democrats. War is Peace.

What kills me are the people on my feed who I KNOW are educated and thoughtful and are generally pulling an “Emperors New Clothes” gag with him because the don’t like Hillary. Like, they’re legitimately acting like Bernie has a mandate to govern the country right now because...reasons, I guess. It’s so weird.

I was literally at a birthday party a week ago for a friend of a friend. I’m a millennial in a liberal city, I just assume everyone around my age group is a Bernie fan so I mostly stay quiet when it comes to politics. But then we had about 10 minutes of people cautiously talking around the subject until we realized

I am in the same boat. If you want to see just how awful liberals can get just look up the fiasco over seals on that beach in La Jolla. Stuff like this makes me hope for the robot uprising.

Silly, those aren’t real liberal accomplishments, they only help women and children! /s

See, I disagree on Gawker’s slant. They’ve been hardcore berning for a while now, and only as his prospects fade are they tacking back to a more neutral space. I mean, they’re still posting things like Hillary Claims to Win Kentucky or whatever their headline was, but they aren’t inserting stories like Hillary Clinton

I think your parenthetical is key. All of the Hillary supporters I know don’t really talk about it. If we do, it’s in hushed tones in real life or on group chat/text with other known Hillary supporters. We really are a silent majority. I have gotten more brazen about posting on facebook as the campaign has gone on and

We can’t be vocal about it, because if we are we will catch shit for days. The most horrific, demeaning shit.

I can’t help but notice the ones getting painted as Corrupt Establishment Cartoon Villains all seem to be women. Lange, Wasserman-Schultz, Boxer, and, yes, Hillary. Am I saying lets canonize all these women for sainthood? No - but I will say those names come up over and over again as evidence of evil corruption in a

Not impressed with Bernie’s logic here. Oh, your followers do not get violent when they are exclusively surrounded by people who agree with them? You don’t say.