Jayne Allyson

The government was certainly trying to distract from other things that were going on, and Barnaby Joyce is a tool (now deputy Prime Minister, hooray!) but if you think they don’t get extremely intense about quarantine for everyone then you’ve never accidentally tried to enter the country with fruit in your bag.

I could honestly care less that he’s a rich white guy. I could give a shit if he got away with smuggling drugs into Australia. But instead he brought animals into an island without going through quarantine and put hundreds of unique and wonderful species at risk, and didn’t even care once someone explained the risk to

We do take it extremely seriously. Even smuggling fruit into the country can attract enormous fines. I understand Johnny Depp not taking it seriously before all this happened but once he was educated about what could happen to our native animals and he still chose not to give a shit he revealed himself to be an

“people try to bring shit into America all the time”

The way I see people drive in the rain it’s like they believe hydroplaning is an urban myth or something. This shit is real people.

I came here to say this.

Point the tires in the direction you want to go.

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

It’s comforting to me to see so many others in the comments here who share my unfavorable opinion of the show. I really don’t see it as any different than Punked or similar hidden-camera prank shows, but because it’s run by a news organization, it tries to be above all that. The whole idea of misleading someone for

Superdelegates have never been a determining factor in the sense that they have gone against the people’s choice in terms of pledged delegates. That said, they make up 15% of the total number of delegates available, which makes it very hard for any candidate to get a majority of all delegates from pledged delegates

I’m also bothered by the fact that (I’m assuming) he wasn’t going to be compensated for this even though he was essentially the “star” of this particular scenario. The networks suck.

I hate the show for exactly that reason. People who are going about their lives don’t need to be morally tested for entertainment purposes. Imagine having your unexpected moral crisis filmed and put on television. It sucks. I have anxiety that I’ll be on that show.

This where I am confused - doesn’t this happen to people who have not asked or have no desire to be on a show? The bystanders aren’t making a choice. If I was out at dinner with my friends or family and it turned out to be taping for a tv show that we were not privy to, I would be extremely upset. There are so many

Your not being able to understand assumes that the producers and others in charge of a show like this actually view those being subjected to these scenarios as human people and not just objects. I can almost definitely assure you they do not.

I’m of two minds on Bernie suddenly deciding to be a Dem. On one hand, it pisses me off that he can jump to our ship, take advantage of our organization, and not contribute any of his contributions to the party. Dick move. On the other, I wouldn’t want him running as an Independent and diverting votes from the Dems in

Public polling in open primaries has tended to underrepresent Bernie’s support - the Hillary camp’s internals clearly predicted this, given she was at home in NY and didn’t even have a speech scheduled. Her people were on TV last week saying of course Bernie was going to win.

$1.5 million for a net five delegates...$300K per delegate. Yeah, not really a major anything, not to mention a shit return on investment.

She’s doing just fine with members of the Democratic party. She decided it wasn’t worth the expense and time to campaign in Indiana because it is an open primary state where independents can vote, and she was right. sanders won by a few percentage points only and netted just six more delegates than Clinton did. He’s

I would squee if reporters wrote about it as such. “And in other news, Senator Bernie Sanders won Indiana, surprising pollsters, but didn’t net any delegates. But GOOD FOR HIM.”

I can’t take any article seriously that says Trump has “few weaknesses” and claims even a Sanders nomination would provide only “a better chance” of beating Trump. Trump has been able to win barely more than half of the Republican Party, he stands no chance at winning the majority of Americans. And if we keep