Jayne Allyson

To be fair, this isn’t like those Disney “World Of Tomorrow!” deals where your car folded up to be your briefcase or your coffeemaker also shaved you. Malls really WERE the glamorous future of shopping at the time and stayed that way for a long, long time.

Nobody would be expecting her to give in to all of his demands in order to get his support in the general if she was a man. The onus to compromise and negotiate and concede would be squarely on the dude getting his ass handed to him in the delegate count and the popular vote rn.

It’s actually a relief to hear the GOP saying it instead of the people on my side, during a condescending lecture on progressivism.

Have you read the books? Because starting around the 3rd or 4th book, they’re pretty bad. As in, I’m exactly as bored and uninvested as the latest couple of seasons of the TV show. Quite frankly, I don’t think GRRM has any idea how he wants to actually get to the ending of his series. The result is a meandering

If you’re looking for a good-natured white guy governor from another part of the country, I’d look in to John Hickenlooper from Colorado. Squeaky-clean governor from a newly-prosperous western state with just enough liberal bonafides to keep the base happy.

MA is special election so it’s not as bad.

Exactly. My biggest problem with Sanders isn’t him it’s his supporters. And I don’t mean the Bernie Bros. I mean the hashtag activists who don’t bother in local and state elections. They don’t get that in order to accomplish anything we need a blue congress and state governors who are willing to support liberal

EXACTLY this. The heroes and villains narrative is so simplistic and quite honestly, doesn’t do much to get things done (though I will admit that it at least seems to shake some people out of their complacency). But Christ, I have had enough.

I like his ideology, but as far as actual, detailed policy that he plans to implement, he seems to barely understand what he has to do imo. Also I am fucking sick and tired of how rabid his supporters are. It’s one thing to be passionate; it’s another thing to fucking badger people incessantly.

its that sort of sexist bullshit that we all have to fight in droves. Women make up half the population. We make up the majority of voters, keep the faith.

I think she would. Clinton is center Democrat mostly out of pragmatism. If Congress became blue and Warren & Sanders began pushing more liberal legislation she would approve it. A lot of her career has been spent compromising with Republicans because she had too, same thing happened with Obama.

At this point it honestly wouldn’t shock me.

The parties are making a show of pretending the rank and file get to actually choose who will run for president for that party.

This is actually a relatively new thing having the public vote. Used to be the big wigs in the party just used to pick a guy. Then the delegates would just vote or caucus on a guy, now we

It was pretty outrageous.

What leverage does Bernie have? She has the popular vote and has been rasing funds for the DNC for over a decade.

Bernie became a Democrat *just last year* so he could have access to the evil, corrupt, whorish DNC machine (despite having done very little to actually help them and talking about

Bernie is becoming a hypocritical dick with his double standards. I like his policies but he’s a tool.

Why are you telling someone who just said they’re not going to gloat that they shouldn’t gloat

With any luck he’ll keep pushing his supporters to stay/get more active in the party, and give it the push it needs from the ground up.

It’s a fool’s errand. The superdelegates aren’t going anywhere. They’ll follow the popular vote and delegate count (where Clinton is way ahead on both accounts) like they always do. Plus, the superdelegates tend to be elected democrat officials, and Clinton has raised millions of dollars for downticket dems. She’s

Did anyone watch Bernie’s campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, on MSNBC tonight? He basically said even if Clinton wins both the pledged delegates and the voters, they are going to take the fight to the convention. If they succeed I will still vote for him, because what are my other choices, but they are still openly

Thank god. I can finally stop all of my hand wringing and worrying. I hereby committ to not publicly gloat. Allow for the Kubler Ross stages of grief from the Berners. Resist the urge to engage when they are throwing their tantrums about closed primaries.