Jayne Allyson

The Chinese have blamed Taiwan for the phone call, calling it a petty move and a trick by the Taiwanese. They’re saying it doesn’t change US-China relations but they’re not happy about. There are important structural reasons that a breach in protocol isn’t going to completely destroy diplomatic relations but the

I feel like I need to step up and get involved. I want to join my local ward committee but, it’s hard to feel like you’re in a position to make an impact. We had a 70% turnout in my state. Hillary won the state by almost 30 points and she took 88% of the vote in my city. The ward committee gets bogged down in petty

Trump and Pence are like a choose your own dystopia adventure: 1984 or The Handmaiden’s Tale.

You know what, Hillary is wealthy, white and well-connected, barring nuclear war, she’s going to weather the next 4 (of please god not 8) years perfectly fine and I don’t begrudge her one second of it. She’s dedicated her life to public service and all she’s gotten in return is steaming pile after steaming pile of

The thinking goes: he’s an asshole but he’s our asshole. They’ve been convinced that we’re out to get them and he’s going to stop us. Never mind the fact that they want the same things we do. They want their Medicare, Medicade, and Social Security to stay the same, many of them want to see an increase in the minimum

Yup. Boomers were the hippie generation. Millenials will probably be less threatened by people of color since POC will make up a larger percentage of the population, so they will have more exposure to them, same with GLBT people and they’ll probably be more comfortable with women in power, but as they get older and

Also, there is no good comedy to be made out of this. The situation is so terrible it doesn’t take an incisive wit to illustrate the absurdity of it all. It’s bad, it’s crazy, it’s ridiculous on its face. Any idiot with eyes can see it.

I agree. Shit, we need school boards and dog catchers too. Especially in Red America. If people can get comfortable voting for a Democrat on a local level, if they can see Democrats getting results in things that affect their lives, they’ll be comfortable voting for them nationally. If Joe Smith Democratic City

We need state houses, we need governors, and we need to start fielding serious house candidates in red states, even if they’re longshots. President and Senate are not enough. If we want real change we need more state and local support and a deeper bench to draw from.

I’m already wary of watching certain movies on NetFlix because I’m afraid my suggestions will be fucked for months if I watch something that doesn’t fit my algorithm profile. What will happen if you start to worry that writing certain posts or sharing certain articles will make FaceBook start asking if you’re okay?

He was thinking “so this is what it feels like.”

A) it’s Harvard Square that’s probably not the first time that’s happened to that pigeon.

Since I work evenings I normally roll into my polling place in the middle of the day so it only takes me about five seconds to vote. This year I stood in a long-ass line for early voting because I am just so done.

I think you are looking for Sebastian Janikowski 6'1 265 career long 63 yards. Too bad he had to languish on a shitty Raiders team throughout his 20s and now 30s, he would have been a legend (he is still very good, though, and the Raiders are less terrible).

You know my first reaction to hearing stories like yours is to fantasize about how it couldn’t happen to me. I think, oh, that’s terrible, I would have slapped his hand away and said something like “hey, stop touching me.” Then I remember that time on a crowded train when I let a dude rub his dick on me until I got to

Maybe? Much like Homer Simpson, I like stories and will repeat myself from time to time. I also might not be the only person thinking this.

I want her to smack the mic out of his hand and say “that’s not how the government works, that’s not how any of this works at all.”

It’s that the percentage of psychopaths in their base is so high they’re stuck. If they support him they’re supporting a monster if the dump him the base in the district they’ve gerrymandered will dump them (did you hear the way they booed Paul Ryan?). I’m guessing statewide officials (senators and governors) are

Seriously, I’m a little worried he’s going to punch her on live TV. His supporters would still say she got off easy because she should be in jail.

Back in the primaries, there was a part of me that was wondering if this was some kind of long con by the Clintons or the DNC to get the GOP to run the worst candidate ever, then there was another little part of me that was wondering if Trump really knew what was doing and was just playing us all for suckers, but