Sniffles McPacey Fake-Charity III put this out?
Sniffles McPacey Fake-Charity III put this out?
I’m in MA as well. Normally I just watch Netflix however New Hampshire attack ads are the price I have to pay for being a Pats fan.
This isn’t the this isn’t the first crazy pants election we have had. If Hillary wins this will be exactly the paragraph that shows up in high school history texts:
Fair enough, you probably do more cardio than I do (what I do is more anaerobic). I think I do more than Trump, though.
At 116/70 this dude’s blood pressure is lower than mine (118/70) and I’m a professional acrobat! (120/80 is considered good, btw). His health is definitely “astonishing”
Believe it. I do a family juggling show and I’ve had it happen. Outdoors. During the day. With children watching. There really are men this shitty in the world.
This is such a boring heckle. I do a family type show and I don’t even deal with this one anymore. I stop what I’m doing, drop my character (which is sort of sweet and charming) turn my mic away from my face, go right up to the dude with an icy stare and say “Get out. Just. Go. Right now. Bye” I don’t banter, I don’t…
I don’t understand this mentality. I grew up in Florida, which is full of people who were driven from their homes, some of them locked up and tortured by an oppressive dictatorship. I understand visiting a country with a shitty government because it’s beautiful and the local people aren’t at fault for their…
Dude, I know right? I had a ten day contract in Kuwait and some of the dudes I was working with were trying to figure out how to get booze. Holy fuck guys, it is TEN days and this is a dry country. Also the Middle East. Sure it’s not Iran and Kuwait is a US ally but you don’t know the the number to the consulate, do…
Apparently the going rate is 600.
Ungreyed. The world must know.
This dude lacked sufficient whimsy. You dodged a bullet.
I have also needed to provide scanned copies of my passport to producers in other countries as part of the visa process. This is a normal thing.
A very close friend of mine also has the same first name and we will spend hours going back and forth:
I dated someone with the same name once. I thought it was really funny. Everyone called us “the Ja(y)nes”. I was never really a problem unless we were standing next to each other and someone wanted one our our attentions.
Bagpipes win. Not only are they annoying, they also kill all other street performers for the entire block. There’s an old joke that every street performer knows: what’s the difference between bagpipes and an onion? No one cries when you cut open bagpipes.
Fair enough on the difference between policy and law but as a trans woman who has watched my friends go through the humiliation of having to use a single stall bathroom in their workplace, I would bet a significant sum of money on them not letting him use the men’s room without a court order which would mean another…
They passed a law targeting one person. They won’t let this guy pee in a men’s room unless ordered by a court.
That won’t work because the school is insisting he use the bathroom of his “biological” sex, they already know what it is and they’ve already shown themselves to be complete assholes so even if he’s legally male they’ll still force him to use the wrong bathroom. The NC law is the same. Fuck all of these shitbags. Fuck…