Jayne Allyson

nah. A full sized person is generally too much work for an alligator* especially one that size. They kill by drowning and they don’t like to attack out of they water. They also don’t chew so they prefer smaller things like fish, ducks and small dogs. Toddlers are also kind of in the size range. They also don’t run far

Intellectually, I get that. I have always tried to be understanding of people who don’t do the right thing in stressful situations but you always like to think that you’re different, you know? That you’re savvy and you’ll know how to handle yourself when the time comes.

I always thought I was the speak up type. I am known for being independent, assertive and not taking shit. When I lived out West, people often described me as intimidating (they’re very soft people out there). But, one day I was on a very crowded train and this dude kept bumping up against me with his erection. I

Don’t know you the people are going to rise up and demand that congress take action? You know, the people the ones who couldn’t get him a majority of the Dem vote are going to have so much clout with congress that they will pass sweeping reforms. Basically:

I even made bell bottoms by cutting a slit in thrift store jeans and sewing a triangle piece of fabric in them. My favorite was cow pattern. I honestly still wear flare jeans (but only with a slight flare) because they make my ass look great. Also, I have very, very thin ankles and skinny jeans give me a weird shape.

Yup. That’s why I don’t trust Bernie supporters to lead the revolution. If Bernie did win, the second he compromised on any of their pet positions he’d be on the shit list too.

Exactly. When people talk about the Brussels and Paris attacks as evidence that gun control doesn’t work, they’re missing the point that those attacks were highly planned and coordinated by a terror cell. Not just some angry dude who went to a store. I mean, a store. A legal place of business. Just walked in and got

Oh yeah, I love how we’re “all Americans”, it’s a nice upgrade from child molesters whose urine is destroying the very fabric of American life. Kind of how New York isn’t really “America” unless we’re talking about 9/11.

I think a lot of people overestimate how easy it is to make a bomb. You need to get the materials, you need to not blow yourself up making it, you need to test your bomb making abilities without causing suspicion, you need to place it where it will cause maximum damage and you need to make sure it actually goes off.

Yeah, ISIS is just a super convenient way to tack meaning onto your free floating rage. The Columbine kids were getting back at bullies, the Dlyann Roof was starting a race war, the Planned Parenthood guy was saving babies. Angry people will always find ways to convince themselves their actions are noble, whether

I kind of really like it when she’s not trying to be friendly. I’d really like to see President Texts From Hillary or President Benghazi Hearings Hillary. I’m sort of tired of this idea that we should want to have a beer with our president, you know? I want a president who’s President. Leave the question of whether

No shit. You need to win something like 2/3 of the delegates to win without superdelegates, which is a standard that no one else would be held to. Her lead is huge and I have no idea why Bernie supporters keep talking about it being close. I doubt we’d be having this conversation if John Edwards, who was actually

So she’s saying the rich black family shouldn’t live in a nice neighborhood?

It’s coal. She came out against coal so the rural areas went against her. Same thing happened in West Virginia. I’m not sure why people think Bernie would be better, though. I’m pretty sure he’s big on renewables.

I’ll talk about it here, but like fuck I’m posting on my own facebook page. I like my Bernie friends. We mostly agree. I’m not getting into a shit fight about politics with them when they’re not actually my enemy. Especially since my candidate is winning.

Yeah, he’s totally consistent on how he said the will of the people was important but now he’s talking about how much more “momentum” is than actul votes. Hillary’s support for the crime bill was terrible, but that didn’t stop him from voting for it. Big money is horrible except for when he’s hosting fundraisers for su

It is 100% bullshit. A contested convention is one that goes to a second ballot not a convention where no candidate wins 23,83 on pledged delegates alone. The superdelegates are a built in part of the process partially there to prevent contested conventions. They are like 15% of the total delegate allotment; they are

And my Facebook feed is going to be insufferable.

He spent over 1 million dollars to win by 5 points after she stopped campaigning there. He would need to win California by like 70 points to tie. Right now he’s polling an average of 10 points behind. I’m not sure there is enough money in the world to pull that off.

When the heat gets turned up he retreats back to typical politician. We’ve already seen him flip hard on the fairness of Superdelegates and he’s gotten pretty squirrelly around his tax returns. At least Clinton has a lot of experience with that kind of deflection and is good at it. I don’t think he handles it so well.