No, but I don’t think anyone would have been calling 2 million+ votes and 250+ delegates, close. No one has ever come back from 100+ down. I think it would have been over in March.
Not going to lie, I cheered on the “Deal me in” line last night.
In seriousness, among the commentariat on this site and progressives generally, the consensus seems to be, “it was a joke, man” isn’t an excuse for misogynistic comments. It also seems to be the consensus that the person telling an offensive joke doesn’t get to decide whether it was offensive or not. Calling an adult…
That’s where I went wrong, women can’t do comedy. You shouldn’t have tried sweet tits.
Wow, why are you being so aggressive with the diminutives? She said she doesn’t like it. Would you ever accept that kind of dismissive belittling from a man? Do you also tell women you disagree with that they shouldn’t worry their little head about it?
I have the opposite problem. I’m a 32 and it’s impossible to find 32 in a regular store like Target or Old Navy. Even if they do have one 32 it’s like a 32AA, which I am not. I’m 5'7 140lbs and have a swimmer’s back, lots of women are smaller than me. How is there just this huge segment of the population completely…
This is why I didn’t get into the show, because I knew after awhile the story goes nowhere. So many people in so many places doing so much nothing.
I agree. She’s starting to gather serious clout and we need a strong liberal coalition in the Senate or minimum wage, expanded ACA, and a stronger Dodd-Frank will never see the light of day. That said, I think Warren would go a long way towards appeasing Sanders supporters and an MA special election would likely go…
The situation in Brooklyn is fucked and is being investigated but I personally know at least one Bernie supporter who went and voted on a provisional ballot, even though she knew she wasn’t registered with the party, in hopes that the rules would be retroactively changed. I know she’s not the only person who did this…
YES! I’ve been saying this all primary season. If we spent the decades Republicans did building a base, electing liberal candidates from the ground up, turning states, we could have a Bernie presidency. But we didn’t. A Bernie presidency would likely get nothing done, then progressives would turn on him exactly the…
Yeah, I started out thinking Bernie has some good ideas but that he makes a better legislator than he would an executive. Then his supporters became a cult and I’m sick of it. I don’t trust anyone who sells you heroes and villains and that taking out the bad guys will solve all our problems.
The way to grow a party is to organize and win shit. If third party could start by winning cities, then states, building infastructure along the way, there could be viable third parties in this country. Most people who want to run for office would rather throw their lot in with a larger party because they have a…
Yeah, the Founders did believe that political parties were and evil corrupting influence on politics during the Revolution. They wrote the Constitution thinking the politicians would be more interested in representing their state rather than political ideology (which is why we have such weird laws about state power),…
I traveled internationally on a passport with my correct name and photo for like 5 years before I could change it for the most part it wasn’t that big a deal but it was always an extra level of stress. I could play it off pretty well and never had a serious problem but I always had to be ready to play it off and I…
People don’t know how big this change is. I travel internationally often and sometimes to the Middle East. Let me tell you how terrifying it is going through UAE customs with an “M” on your passport. It’s not.
It’s true. I’m so tempted to refute bullshit Sanders memes I see posted on Facebook (the media is not lying 200+ delegates is not close, not at all) but I don’t want to get into a multi-day flame war with my friends. Instead, I went and voted (she won my state) and when the time comes I’ll probably volunteer for her…
No shit. Most of them have never voted in a primary before. You can tell this because they keep bringing primary rules that have been in place for forty years (closed primaries, early calls on races that aren’t close, coin flips, Superdelegates, etc) as proof that an evil DNC cabal is engaged in a vast conspiracy to…
To be fair, it’s not that scary to fall when you’re only 2 feet tall and weigh 30lbs (I say this as an acrobat who is much more afraid of falling than I was when I was 2 feet tall).
There are only four states on the continental US that I haven’t been to. South Dakota will continue to be one of them.