Jayne Allyson

And more than double the average annual snowfall, therefore a fleet of snow removal vehicles.

On average, less than 2 feet a year.

DC has an average annual snowfall of less than 2 feet. I mean it sucks that this happens every time it snows but I don’t know if it’d be worth it to invest in the same kind of snow removal infrastructure as cities further north for one or two days a year.

I lived in Quebec in 2008, the year they shattered the annual snowfall record for Quebec City. I would much rather drive the 20 or the 40 in a blizzard than be in DC for a dusting. They don’t have the equipment to treat the roads and a dusting can melt and freeze quickly (plus the QC metro area doesn’t even have 1

I wanted to add (but it’s too late to edit):

Man, I’m not even mad. The world these people live in is amazing. Even white on white crime is a black dude’s fault.

Won’t happen. Bill Belichick has a plan for that eventuality and Pats fans will be NO.1 FOREVAH!! (or until Tom Brady loses more than four games in a row).

This is the problem we have in South Florida. The Dolphins have been terrible for the last thirty years and unlike other perennially terrible teams there is plenty of other stuff to do in Miami besides watch the Dolphins lose. People aren’t going to the beach or eating in outdoor restaurants in Cleveland the

I was only a teen in the 90’s but it felt like we were losing people all the time. If you went to a big festival rock concert there was a good chance someone was going to OD. I even saw people shooting up on the beach. .

It’s been long enough since the 90’s that we’ve forgotten how all of our favorite rock stars died. Now that I think about it, there is an entire generation of 20 year olds (even late 20 year olds) who completely missed the 90’s heroin epidemic.

At the same time we’ve been cracking down on pain pills Mexican cartels have been flooding the market with cheap heroin because their marijuana sales have been hit hard by legalization (both because people in states with legal pot can buy it and because people in other states are getting pot that was grown legally and

As a Tally local, does it seem like the school’s football culture has gotten shittier to you with Jimbo’s arrival? I was at FSU from ‘99-’03 and I was aware of normal big football shit going on (people told me Rix would regularly try to cheat off of them in class and that he felt entitled park in handicap spaces, some

This is why I like Terry Gross. Yeah, it’s not hard-hitting but she lets people talk which lets them relax and often leads to her subjects revealing really interesting details about themselves.

Yeah, cutting from four to three panelists and having the other two be regular show contributes has made the panel much snappier. It feels a lot more like a round-table rather than a bunch of people trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. It’s still a little rough but overall I think the show has moved from

I think season two was screwed by the writer’s strike. They tried to cram a bunch of stuff in and it got garbled. I’m glad I pushed through, though because it totally redeems itself and is one of my all-time favorite shows.

I agree. I didn’t really like the Daily Show when Jon first took over. I thought his delivery was kind of clunky and a little to comedian-y. I think Trevor is doing a decent job. The show moves nicely, the jokes hit and his personality is starting to shine through in his delivery—it’s just different from Jon’s.

You know that if it was a struggling artist saying the exact same things they would be dismissed as a wannabe who’s jealous of other’s success.

Makes sense. 13 people died from abortions last year and they require all this shit for “safety” 33000 peoe died from guns. It they’re willing to go the distance to make sure people “safely” exercise one constitutionally protected right they might as well do it do it for another constitutionally protected right that

And they’re spreading, too. Before you guys got them they were in Australia and New Zealand and Mexico has them too. Some countries are doing blends that I think work well but Euros and Pounds are printed on much cheaper paper than US Currency so I think they might be next to change.

I mean they do rip but I found that the old Canadian 5’s tore much more easily. I have some in my wallet from 2003 that look as good as the ones from 2012 and I’ve got some 20’s from 2006 that basically look brand new. I work in cash and I’ve handled a lot of money from around the world. Coins are definitely faster to