Jayne Allyson

yeah, but the ancient forms and postures were much more limited and make up a small percentage of what is practiced in modern Yoga. In fact a number of Indian practitioners have traveled to the west specifically to market it to western people and spread it’s popularity. I mean, are we not supposed to practice

This is what I’ve found with the plastic ones when I travel to countries that have them. The kinks make them really hard to stack neatly and sometimes it’s even difficult for counting machines at the bank to get an accurate count.

Our one dollar bills are pretty good. The average lifespan is 6 years and they can last up to 20 and they cost 5 cents to make. The Fed isn’t entirely convinced that it would be cheaper.

Our bills are made of a cotton/linen blend and last a lot longer than the old Canadian and many European bills. I find the plastic bills a pain in the ass to count.

New Zealand even got rid of the 5 cent piece and I wouldn’t eve be sad if we did the same.

But it doesn’t. Modern Yoga was developed as a fitness regimen in the late 1800’s early 1900’s cobbled together from some ancient texts and gymnastics practices of the time for the sons of wealthy Maharajahs later promoted widely through the country and eventually the West. It was always intended for fitness and has a

Oh man, that is the absolute perfect description of that movie. I’ve always wondered if the reason people love this movie was because they’re remembering how they felt about it in the 80’s when belittling your ideas was an acceptable to start a relationship.

Your parents’ relationship sounds perfect. Even if I had a partner who wasn’t interested in decorating, my room is a narcissist tribute to myself with trophies, things that I’ve made and posters of things that I’ve been in all over the place. I like it, but I’m not sure I could subject someone else to living in the

My girlfriend and I moved in together in college and I insisted we get a two bedroom. We slept over a lot but I loved having my own space to decorate how I wanted, my own bed, my own closet, and not dealing with body heat, weird breathing rolling over or snoring. I’m too afraid to roll over while co-sleeping and that

Seriously, I tried to watch it on a plane and still hated it. Usually when I fly I get emotional and I’m really affected by cheesy romantic comedies (I seriously cried watching that movie where Keven James becomes an MMA fighter to save a school band program) but I had to turn off When Harry Met Sally because watching

That is why I live in the Northeast, now. I miss sunshine, I miss palm trees, I do not miss Miami.

I grew up in Florida from an area that wasn’t great, but I remember going down to Miami Central for debate tournaments and thinking, man, I’m glad I don’t go here.

In that case it wouldn’t have even gotten to a hostage situation. As soon as they took fire they would have killed every single person they saw. In this case police were able to free at least 100 people (not counting those who escaped on their own).

I know that this isn’t the case here, but there has been debate within the trans community for as long as I’ve been involved with trans issues (14+ years) on whether or not we belong with the GLB. For me what it comes down to is that it’s a useful political coalition.

I’ve seen GLBTQQA (gay, lesbian, trans, queer, questioning, asexual). In some contexts I’ve seen GLBTQQASOFFA (significant others, friends, and family). It does get very long depending on which activist circles you hang out in.

Exactly, what is the point of this? There are myriad issues facing the country, how is forcing the candidates to grandstand on an issue where information is still coming in going to create any sort of productive conversation.

Personally, I enjoy being a boogeyman. I mean it’s super fun to hear all of the evil things politicians believe I get up too. It’s totally not exhausting to hear myself and people like me regularly referred to as rapist monsters in the press... If you haven’t tried it yet, I totally recommend it to you.

No, I wore them until it was a little inappropriate (ie I was 25 and it was 2006). After I was finally pursuaded to get rid of them *sniff* I transitioned into flair jeans. Basically, what I’m saying is I’m always about five plus years behind on fashion.

Now playing

I’m going to hop out and see if I can find a floral pattern sundress to wear over some jeans. If I can find my blue tinted John Lennon sunglasses, we are back in business, baby.

You’re right, I need to check my truth privilege. Many Republicans live in truth deserts and don’t have access to the kinds of truth resources the rest of us do. I apologize for my thoughtlessness and lack of compassion.