Jayne Allyson

I’m so confused. How does refuting an incorrect statement equal attacking the messenger? I’m pretty sure that saying “hey, the thing you said is factually incorrect.” is the exact opposite of attacking the messenger as it concerns itself only with the message. On the other hand, saying “typical liberal media trying

Legit tho, most of the money PP gets is reimbursement for doctor’s appointments. Basically he’s saying that hard-working Americans don’t deserve to get paid for doing work just because of where they work. Why do you hate America and hard work Paul Ryan?

I think you’re right if they trade him while he’s winning but while Boston fans love Brady and will stab you if you speak ill of him, they also will boo him after one bad quarter and start to talk about retirement if he has two bad games in a row. Imagine if he has a bad year?

Seriously tho, “stealing the spotlight from other women in the Kardashian/Jenner family” is a weird argument to make as they’re not exactly hardcore feminist warriors we should all be listening too.

In all honesty, FSU fans have known this was coming for the last year-and-a-half. We’ve been getting away with winning and we all known it. I’m a grad, but I’m glad they lost. Jimbo Fisher is an unimaginative douche bag who has introduced an even shitter football culture to the school. 2013 was fun, though.

The game was a long boring toddler fight that no one really “won”. Good for GT, though.

Beyond messaging, if we don’t fight for women at the top and women at the top are making less than men at the top, then men, by default, remain at the top. How can women effect change if they can never accumulate money, power, and influence on par with a man’s? If we just say, “good enough ladies, now let’s focus on

I think people in Boston are generally hyper aware when they’re on the roads because the situation is so crazy and I think the general metro area is pretty good about having bike lanes. That said, driving around this town, I’ve seen the way people veer into bike lines to go around traffic without looking, drive close

Man, when I see a Hubway bike coming down the street, whether I’m a driver or a pedestrian, I watch everything they do because chances are they’re going to do something stupid and it’s going to be right in front of you. On the plus side, at least they all come with lights... which is better than I can say for 99% of

When I lived in Florida I would only ride in the road on smaller streets. If I had to take a major road, I was on the sidewalk because I’m not ready to experience death and no one is on the sidewalk anyway. If you walk or ride a bike anywhere in Florida, people will assume it’s because you’ve had a DUI. 80% of the

Throw in cyclists without lights and wrong way riders while you’re at it. Every time I see a bicyclist without lights I just want to smack them upside the head. This is Boston, the roads here are terrible under the best conditions. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost hit or been hit by zooming invisible

Maybe a smarter solution would be to make DC a state but keep the government core outside of it’s jurisdiction?

Yeah, I mean the whole point of creating D.C. was so that no one state would have power in the capitol. I don’t think the founders ever imagined this many people living there.

Tree climbing alligators are terrifing, but the zig-zag thing is a myth (that even my Florida elementary school teacher told us). Alligators don’t run that fast, they don’t like hunting on land, and they don’t usually like to eat people. Alligators are much more comfortable in the water. They can swim up to 20mph but

Oh we could go round and round on this forever.

Bingo. Can I please have a moment to enjoy my life without someone telling me I need to buy something that will help me enjoy my life more?

I support this statement. I am under 40 and don’t trust me.*

Bullying/stalking issues aside, I’m tired of being a product all the time. I mean, it’s annoying that browsing anything on Amazon or Ebay, or even mentioning anything that could be bought on Amazon or Ebay will give me Facebook ads for those things for months but even taxis, airplane seats, and gas pumps have auto

Oh my god, probably with birds on them or something.

Yeah, I think they’re more like jazz shoes. Also, I imagine they’re recreating styles from the 70s which might not be available anymore. It’s been awhile since I’ve been shopping for tight-wire shoes, though.