Jayne Allyson

That was Nick Wallenda. He actually comes from a very old circus family with a long and tragic history with tight-wire. Two of them died and one was paralyzed when the seven person pyramid they were doing collapsed in the 60s (there was a made for TV movie about it. His great-grandfather/the family patriarch died at

They’re dance shoes. You can get them at a dance store. For wire walking it’s usually better to get the kind with a one-piece sole so that you can use the arches of your feet (for dance you get better lines with a split sole but in wire it’s easier to walk across the wire quickly and land jumps on the arches of your

It’s like Yelp! meets revenge porn.

Maybe as a next step someone can create an algorithm to let you know if you’ll like someone based on reviews from people with similar tastes. That way you won’t even have to waste your time talking to someone you’re not going to find interesting. In this brave new world, we will never have to be bored, challenged or

No no, many of these women started as anti-abortion protesters and continued to protest abortion after they got their abortions. They think their circumstances are special and everyone who makes the same mistake they did are irresponsible whores. Fuck them.

Hahahahhahahahaha, it’s cute the way you think you know things about people. I made a comment mentioning something I have quite a bit of experience with and you responded by saying, “you’re wrong because my opinion.” The internet thanks you for fulfilling its primary purpose: providing a platform for people to argue

This is where Miami has been smart about its stadium (well, football they got hoodwinked on basketball and baseball). The Superbowl said, “hey, upgrade or we’ll go somewhere else” and Miami said, “do you think we have a problem filling hotel rooms in February? Besides, it’s not like the Dolphins will be playing in one

I work at a camp for trans/gender varient youth; there are five year-olds that come.

Yeah guys, but really, we need to protect the 5 year-olds from trans people who need to use the bathroom... Let’s not get distracted by actual crimes that actually happen.

I don’t really see anything wrong with creating programs specifically to help boys in school. Girls only math programs have had a lot of success and I think programs to help boys in certin academic areas where they are falling behind could be a good thing. If there were several classes offered and one of them was boys

6. Jealous of his success/won’t survive without him.

Now playing

This video of her at NYU made the rounds a few years ago. It’s clear that she’s been good for a long time and all the weird shit she does is her enjoying the talent she’s developed over the years.

I’m also surprised that so many people are surprised she’s talented. I mean, there are a lot of people (Kiss) who use gimmicks to hide their lack of talent, but there are others who work their asses off to develop a high level of talent then decide to take those skills and do whatever they want with them. Same goes

I like it both ways. They seem like such a great match whatever the nature of their relationship.

And what about black on black crime????

Legit. Like, you don’t get to just do it for a day. Also, for actual tran people, locker rooms are THE WORST.

It’s weird, but every time I watch that movie I get a little dust in my eye. Don’t know how that happens, I try to keep the place clean.

That sounds really cool. I love seeing them but it wouldn’t be a good idea to hop in a hang out with a wild one, so I just sit on my parents’ deck and watch them chomp on leaves until they move on down the river.

My experience was similar. We were water skiing in the intercoastal and I was waiting for the boat to come back and get me after I’d fallen and like three of them went right by me. I’d never felt so small in my life. It was a very cool experience but they are huge and made of pure muscle. Seeing them go by makes you

This was the sign I meant. Kinja kinjaed it the first time.