MJ would there’s no doubt about it.
MJ would there’s no doubt about it.
My kid dropped something heavy on our toilet, breaking it. YouTube helped me put a new toilet in myself rather than shelling out money for someone else to do it.
Why say “Five Gulf Nations cut ties with Qatar” when you can say “Five Gulf Nations break Qatar strings?” That’s web journalism 101, Wags.
Thank you for reminding me to read more Klosterman.
“Sure, there is still a part of me that wonders why Bennett kept [the apology] private. If he is serious about being a role model, I feel like it would have been in his best interest to show his contrition to the world...”
I think he’s afraid that the other Madison Bumgarner he dated will find out that he cheated on her with Madison Bumgarner.
Or maybe one time they fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked
If you are going to own only two suits, make none of them black. Black suits make you look like a waiter and no one goes to enough funerals to make it otherwise worth it. Best to go with navy blue and a dark gray.
Boy everyone’s sarcasm detector must be off..... notsomethingstructural is a veteran commenter haha
You’re good
What do you think is supposed to be funny about withholding a source? This is about ethics
It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot
Who the fuck cares if that’s an outdated picture? THE INNOCENT CHILD, WHO DID NOTHING WRONG, IS DEAD. Learn to have some empathy.
Some 15 year olds have baby faces. This is a pic supplied by the family. I’m sure people are scouring social media as we speak looking for pictures to make the victim look like a gang member. Jordan Edwards sounds like a common name, I’m sure any minute pics of 35 year old Jordan Edwards will be used to defame the…
Old Man here...
What percentage of fans, of any sport, do you think would drive to their stadium to see EVERY home game? I think those people have a right to criticize Hawks fans. But anyone who watches 90% of a season on tv can go kick rocks. It’s not fun looking at score in the newspaper the following day :(
Hawks fan who watches regular season and takes shit from my friends for it, can confirm.