
“Despite his long string of constant failure, he remains a craven and regressive racist”

So you’re saying that the NFL wants to be publiclly seen as morally sound but is in fact run by shady business men? Never would have guessed. Great read, glad you got another outlet to share this on.

Because I hear Chicago just lovely this time of year.

Let it go man. Maybe the Hawks win that game, they still weren’t winning the series.

While it still doesn’t justify hitting them, women that spit on and/or hit men because they know any non-piece of shit WON’T hit them are total fucking assholes...

Looks like nothing. Much worse was said on 9/12, and “questioning the loyalties of American citizens” is a pretty negative way of looking at those comments. They’re right. Our freedom and relatively open immigration policies (and not everyone in the country legally is a citizen, obviously) inevitably cause the country

You equated an OTC supplement to recover from injury with wanting athletes to be “drug fueled steroid machines,” but I’m the one who missed the point.

Yeah, as others suggested, it’s in case the starter gets hurt. In the event of an injury (especially one that happens mid-game), teams want a veteran they can “trust” to at least know the playbook, be able to “read” a defense, make an appropriate audible, etc. They don’t expect the guy to be able to have the arm

Boo whoo..It’s also paying for all the content you do watch. It’s stand up comedy ffs. If your looking to stand up comedy for some sort of positive message on issues, your in the wrong spot. They’re just jokes. It’s not hate speech.

Or you know you don’t have to watch it? There’s thousands of other titles on Netflix. Pick something else.

Dave Chappelle doesn’t owe you a perfect take on every issue. He’s not going to be an expert on everything he talks about or addresses. He’s just going to say his piece, like every single stand-up comedian out there. Looking to stand-up for something more than that is naive folly.

I’ve made this argument on Jez to much (obvious) contention but really, I just don’t think comedy is for progressives. Modern progressives are too sensitive and go into viewing entertainment with a list of boxes to check for groups and subgroups and sub-subgroups that shouldn’t be “offended.”

How mature and brave of you. Does your arm get tired from patting yourself on the back for such heroism? I deplore the president but his saying “give him a chance” is not an admission of support. By no means deplorable enough to never listen to a historically great comic again.

I watched Spin last night, and Rich is leaving out a key part of the Cosby commentary - that being it was a callback to a joke done earlier in the show concerning a superhero who resorts to rape to maximize his “powers,” setting up a moral conundrum of “he rapes, but he saves lives.”

This wasn’t Andrew Dice Clay

As a White Sox fan, I am most definitely NOT asking that question becasue I do not want to risk killing this magical series.

This is also the White Sox 2o17 slogan.

You know who was the best at video montages ?????....Yaz

Unironically shake hands! Enjoy the latest record from The Four Freshmen while drinking some Delaware Punch! Compliment your quarterback by saying that his pass was “swell”! But no new lascivious, suggestive dances like The Lindy Hop or The Charleston!

As a White Sox fan, the attention makes me feel good. In fact, it fits in pretty perfectly with my feelings about the White Sox. If anything, it is a year or two late. I haven’t been this enthusiastic about them in years, but now that they have picked a lane, I have hope. Of course, most of my interest is in

Cutler is making elite QB money