
99.999% of them aren’t standing up for anything. just like under the gw bush administration, they’ll make a bunch of noise for years on end, screw up 95% of coverage, then spend a few years patting themselves on the back for the 5% they got right and explaining there’s no way they could have saved the rest.

From the same article, Tim Marchman’s statement:

Because if Alex is going to chastise McCain for sitting around and doing nothing of substance while benefitting from grandstanding on a public platform, he should at least have the awareness that he’s the pot calling the kettle black.

Right. I have plenty of fucking friends in Michigan who were giving me the same bullshit take in advance of the election.

How’d that work out for all of us?

This whole “my vote doesn’t matter so I won’t sully it by voting for a candidate I genteelly disagree with over a psychopathic monster” is exhausting. EXHAUSTING.

he’s right, there’s nothing untruthful about that post. and you’re right, it has nothing to do with this particular article.

Don’t see where anyone says he “caused” Trump.

McCain has done more than most Republican Senators by simply speaking out against Trump, but I lost all respect when he confirmed DeVos. When it comes down to it, Republicans have proven themselves to be Party over Country. and they should be ashamed.

Most fraternities don’t sexually assault and piss on pledges.

What the hell are you talking about? There is no “discharge petition” in the US Senate by which 51 Senators can override the Majority Leader. That only exists in the House. The Senate Majority Leader has full and complete control over what gets scheduled for a vote. There’s no way around that.

And, as you said, those

Every county in Massachusetts went for Clinton. Every New England state went to Clinton (except one electoral vote in Maine because of archaic voting laws).

Off the rails.....Foreman and Paxson need to be fired. At some point, management has to speak.

You think his dad went to the newspaper? No, his dad hasn’t said shit for 2 years. Aaron Rodgers has said more about it. The newspaper went to the dad because of the playoff game.

I think Rodgers is a prick but you seem to be absolving the family of any blame. Like most disputes, the blame probably lies somewhere in between.

Yes Rodgers sounds like a real dick. If a guy can’t get along with his crackpot Fundie family OR a mensch like Favre there’s something seriously wrong with him. Oh also some ex-teammates thought he wasn’t loud enough.

There are many good reasons to ignore family members, and none of us have any idea what’s actually happening.

From the article:

If you’re not familiar with the weird double standards and hoop jumping conservative Christians will do to justify their own hypocritical decisions, may I introduce you to the 2016 Presidential Election?

strict Christians, hate Aaron for acknowledging sexing Munn

For strict Christians, they seem like sabotaging dickwads. (Also, they had no problem with Jordon going on ABC’s Festival of Herpes??)