old enough to feel ways about stuff

of course they played The Magnetic Fields "It's Only Time", a song which will be played at my wedding.

My recommendation: start with both Foolish and Tossing Seeds (Singles 89-91) (because Slack Motherfucker, Cool, etc). The next level (only slightly behind) is Here's Where the Strings Come In, Majesty Shredding, On the Mouth, No Pocket for Kitty. Then just get all the rest.

Haven't heard but I might guess they are done. They mainly reissued the first few up through On the Mouth because they were originally released on Matador and wanted to get them in the Merge catalog instead (more profits on their own stuff). They likely just continued with Foolish and HWTSCI since they considered

It was indeed on VH1 — thus the title — but was instead a scripted workplace snark-fest. Not great, but of course VH1 has produced much much worse.

second on the Roseanne episode, or better yet classic covering the whole Roseanne series please

not to claim I'm an informed opinion, but hell yes to Aesop
also El-P, Killer Mike

well One Tree Hill and Secret Life of the American Teenager are both over now - someone's going to have to step up and take their spots. although from those reviews of The Following I've been reading here, they've had more than enough worthy clip candidates.

"True Trans features at least two songs…"
Well this is true… in that it features exactly two songs. (Thin to be called an "EP" I suppose, but whatever it's free and still would've been well worth dropping $2 for. Looking forward to the album.)

yeah as a Cleveland pro fan, I know the 1997 WS all too well, and yanks/dodgers definitely wasn't it.

edit: of course you meant the above comment, while I mistakenly took the question to be about the show itself, which I answered thusly…

Joey & Ross fight over Gabrielle Union before Aisha, but that only lasts for one episode.

Really, young squire as president? Hanks gave his blessing - he knew TES would make for a snappy potus.
(That's all I know Soctt from so the jump to pres does seem quite odd.)

OK well to each their own, but let me start the dissenting opinion then please: the Top of the World bit is one of my LEAST favorite scenes in all of Friends. It's so forced and hammy. I'm normally cool with LeBlanc/Joey, but watching him snap his fingers & sing along makes me cringe like little else.

Roy Hibbert just showed it all kinds of love last week.

I needs a gif of alex "straight sussin'" immediately

Things you can't un-see: He does have the most prominent adam's apple I have ever seen in my life. Makes it hard for me to look at him sometimes.

I self-depreciatingly found Pete Holmes funny stuff not funny, but that was my first contact with cut and paste

Yeah well I DO live in Gainesville and it's… fine. I mean, as long as you're a big fan of Florida Gator sports like I am. If not, then probably not so much. Downtown is just about the worst. The live music scene is sad. Some good places to bike and run, though. And Satchel's Pizza. And, uh… ok, we're no Austin, for

and a reality spinoff!

no shit. The songs on Once More With Feeling (as well as Whedon's Dr Horrible) get played almost as much as any other non-musical music in my collection. And they were so much better as far as being part of the story of that episode itself and the season story to that point.