old enough to feel ways about stuff

Well, there was at least that one time he got a recording of a woman saying "Maybach Music" then proceeded to jizz that soundbite onto every MMG song.

For me it's always the guitar & drum intros, not hooks/choruses, and it's to these for some reason:

Same here. Unfortunately there's a long history of using "gay" or "cocksucker" as insults so it wouldn't be a long leap to make, but the actual wording and context, while lewd and disrespectful of the position of POTUS — though not our actual 45th — I would not interpret as homophobic.

"The full announcement featured quotes from both Hall and Oates, who
appear to be billing themselves as “Daryl Hall & John Oates” this
time around"

"Despite the departure of Eisley’s founding member and guitarist
Chauntelle D’Agostino (along with keyboardist-vocalist Stacy King)…"

I bought the cassette in high school and played the shit out of it. I eventually upgraded to a (used) cd copy a few years later but the tracks were in a different order and I was already too used to the cassette order — particularly starting with "I Love You Mary Jane" really worked well for me. I always had to

if there is one album anyone needs a physical copy of, it's Friend and Foe. The packaging/artwork is as amazing as the music.

Yeah, I resisted this for a while, but it needs to be this way. Otherwise there would be a good deal of separation between, for example, Ben Folds Five and Folds, Ben solo material. Likewise the first two PJ Harvey albums (trio) might have to be kept separate from the remaining solo PJ Harvey albums, and that would

and how boombox cassette players were still huge in 2005 — no transformable ipods on Cybertron.

You Horse ass-kiss-perer!

and the way Santana talks when he first happens upon the scene…

humility on parade

have you ever been t' Dover?

yes. "Whenever You See Fit" is one of my top ten favorite songs ever

Rihanna doesn't know better, otherwise she would do better.

Yes. I mean, the running time stops at 59 minutes? But you have enough time left to squeeze in one of my favorite Blur songs, the bolt of nonsense energy that is "We've Got a File on You", and come out at an even hour. Also, "Sweet Song" should really be on this list though instead of something (I'd probably have to

your grading scale is the best grading scale.

The Gaslight Anthem (only on their first album) opening for Against Me! (New Wave tour I guess).
then White Denim opening for The Gaslight Anthem on '59 Sound tour. White Denim just had cd-rs to sell at that point but that live show was incredible.

Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes.

Oh it's far weirder that Danny Brown is voicing the theme song for that other ABC primetime sitcom that's not white people (Fresh Off the Boat). Compared to that, a little Snoop instrumental ain't no thang.