old enough to feel ways about stuff

change approved!

You want to knock it down a grade because of the three seconds Andy and Ollie spoke this time?

how could you miss all that sweet sweet upper boob action? and you call yourself an agent.

Nothing will ever excuse Til Death, but cmon he was great in ELR and as big dog in 2 Stupid Dogs.

@zircona1 The Shitty Beatles play quite often here in Gainesville, FL. They are quite good. Though not so good at being shitty. Well of course they're shitty compared to the real The Beatles. But otherwise, yeah. So.

Red Stripe — it's beer! Hooray beer!

Yeah, the girl looks crushed for a second, but then just has to turn back and smile, she knows that kid has got it going on. Well played all around.

Tonight is part two for Kitchen Nightmares profiling a place in my hometown of Norwalk, OH. It's the only reason I watched, had never seen it before last week. (Was a big fan of Restaurant: Impossible though.) The owner of the restuarant, Joe, is one of the biggest pricks I have ever seen, at least on tv. Yells at

the best way to cold step to you shall now and forever be with a fresh pack of gum

Evil is no excuse for poor sportsmanship.

regular coverage. dolphinately.

then you're my fact-checking cuz!

My team is in the SEC — in fact they were one of the offending parties last night. (But also a victorious one. Go gators.) They don't preempt any of the major networks in my area for it, which is good. However the games get broadcast on a channel that is only available in (*gag*) standard def, not HD. The horror.

Good to see the love. Tomorrow night they will be home in Gainesville FL, can't wait to them again.

stray quibbles: 1) Marshall & Lily made a big deal about having a day alone from Marvin in part 2, but they spent the good part of a day at Wesleyan in part 1 without him. huh? 2) that snow was fake as shit.

stray quibbles: 1) Marshall & Lily made a big deal about having a day alone from Marvin in part 2, but they spent the good part of a day at Wesleyan in part 1 without him. huh? 2) that snow was fake as shit.

My office not only does white elephant gift exchanges (only with unwanted items found in our own homes, nothing bought) but we also went through negotiation training where one of the first exercises closely resembled the twist you described with the final two contestants. Even though we're all professionals and on the

My office not only does white elephant gift exchanges (only with unwanted items found in our own homes, nothing bought) but we also went through negotiation training where one of the first exercises closely resembled the twist you described with the final two contestants. Even though we're all professionals and on the

"Lee’s videos aren’t all that remarkable…"
But it has to be worth mentioning that his video for Public Enemy's "Fight the Power" is THE GREATEST VIDEO IN THE HISTORY OF RAP, for THE GREATEST SONG IN THE HISTORY OF RAP.

"Lee’s videos aren’t all that remarkable…"
But it has to be worth mentioning that his video for Public Enemy's "Fight the Power" is THE GREATEST VIDEO IN THE HISTORY OF RAP, for THE GREATEST SONG IN THE HISTORY OF RAP.