Im with you, certainly not lower than 750. With the Z06 at 620 I don't believe 700 would be enough of a bump to warrant the inevitable price difference.
Im with you, certainly not lower than 750. With the Z06 at 620 I don't believe 700 would be enough of a bump to warrant the inevitable price difference.
AWD drifts > RWD drifts
On target Jayhawk, this is a car for well heeled Camaro nutswingers in the same fashion that the 2000 Cobra R was a car for well heeled Mustang nutswingers when it was produced.
.... I usually buy named brand Cheetos and Mountain dew, but after reading this thread I may go generic.
Hah. I don't think an M3 is "pointless," but I don't think it's a practical choice.
Men and women both, both sexes are equally 'to blame'. That's why the "men are just suckers" message of this article is so ignorant.
I find it strange that some cars won't do that... my 09 Malibu does, in gauge cluster info readout.
The one immediately to the right of the steering wheel is where my phone goes, the one farther to the right is where my sunglasses go. And yeah, that arm rest is an insult. It's too short, too high, and can be in the way when you're using the cup holder.
Kid: "Oh shit, oh shit!" Driver: "What's wrong??" Kid: "Something's in my pants! What is that thing! I feel funny."
1965 Buick Riviera clamshell headlighs. Whats does I win?
And when your dog gets hair all over the interior, you don't have to clean it because the jet is a rental.
You're completely wrong in your reasoning about the dog thing. The reason for this is that American Airlines, United Airlines...all the other airlines...will play russian roulette with your dog if you want to fly them somewhere. The major airlines kill pets all the time through criminal neglect.
Also, everyone who has ever flown private knows it's not something only for the 0.5%. Many, many companies use private jets to shuttle employees to meetings in time as it is not only faster but often cheaper considering the efforts put in organizing, booking hotels, flights rentals and the paid but in terms of work…