Jayhawk Jake

The tire rack banner from Solo Nationals made it easy to spot, though I just removed it.

I think the word for what would happen to the side of the car is “degloving”. I would recommend you not google that.

Statistically over some amount of time did the amount and severity of injuries in small overlap crashes significantly reduce after the introduction of the passenger side test when compared to the cars developed for the driver side test only.

I agree with you here, though I do think there’s an interesting ethical question to be raised about how carmakers advertise against these safety ratings. If the small overlap is factored into whatever score they are “selling” and the small overlap test only accounts for the driver side, is it made clear to the buyer

Not necessarily. If it was typical parking garage height any car that fits in a typical parking garage would be fine. I would HOPE people would stop otherwise...

I know, I know, another “why don’t they just...” comment but hear me out:

I seem to have random things stop working with IFTTT a lot, including location based. I have it set to turn on a porch light at sunset and that has been the most finicky applet. It’ll work great for a few weeks then randomly just not work until I set it up again.

I did a research paper about LEGO’s CSR activities last year, they really are an amazing company from a responsibility standpoint. They’ve been criticized a bit recently for the way they handle gender, this is a big positive step forward for them.

I’ll be picking this up largely because of it. It’ll look great next to my larger Shuttle set.

The Saturn V is a bargain when compared to other sets. Typically sets are about $0.10 per brick, so $25 for 231 pieces is normal. Having 4 new minifigs certainly adds to the cost, too.

What does you outdriving a faster car have to do with slow cars being more fun?

“Have you always wanted to own one of the Grand Theft Auto cars that look mostly like the car they’re trying to be but just different enough to avoid getting sued? Then I have the car for you!”

I disagree that the name doesn’t play a part. “Autopilot” to the average person means “fully autonomous”, so they will likely interact with the system as if it is fully autonomous. They will take their hands off the wheel and pick up a book and start reading. If it was labeled as an assistant instead, for example,

The problem with that notion is the layperson wants to assume that Tesla’s autopilot will totally handle all the driving, including slowing down for other traffic and following changes in the road, which it does for the most part. Autopilot for airplanes and boats like you mention is a different thing altogether

People want to perceive a savings, not just get a good deal. It’s a marketing tool.

I feel like the lack of information we got on Rey’s background makes it hard to invest in her yet, but I’m curious to see how that changes as we learn more about her. But I’d agree, I’m more interested to know how the First Order formed and what the full extent of Luke’s involvement in that was.

This is why manufacturers need to not be so vocal about release dates. If Tesla said “deliveries in the fourth quarter” rather than “by the end of October” they could have worked the issues and still hit their target. Instead they loudly set a target they likely knew would be risky to hit, and are going to look so-so

Yeah, rethinking it and watching the opening scene on YouTube again you’re right. Once Gypsy Danger got its arm ripped off people apparently reacted thinking the Jaeger’s weren’t effective and a wall would do it.

Oh. My. God. I didn’t know until just now, but a giant robot using a portal gun to sidearm a kaiju in its balls is something I need in my life.

I rewatched it last week, you’re pretty spot on. Initially there were lots of Jaegers spread all over, and various countries had various Jaegers. When the action really starts (after the wall breach some years after Gypsy in Alaska), the PPDC had formed and united outside of Hong Kong, bringing together the Chinese,