Given Elon dropped out on his PhD in Physics, it shouldn’t be lost on him that any action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Given Elon dropped out on his PhD in Physics, it shouldn’t be lost on him that any action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Not to mention the scale of payment, easily seized collateral, and there are alternatives for transport. It’s just not the same as the mortgage crisis.
Yea, that’s why days inventories are single digits in a lot of cases (18 days industry average) and profits are maintaining - no one wants to buy new vehicles. You do you, though.
I sold a car to them which was pretty painless, but I had to re-sign (electronically) the PoA for them to transfer the title like 3 months later. They’ve clearly got some janky system for title transfers in place.
I don’t have a problem? I’m just trying to explain 1) how stocks work and why 2) your financial guy is probably performing at the market index. I don’t care at all about what you do or don’t do with your money. I was trying to help explain the “industry” to you. Have at, mon frere.
That guy’s point is we’ve all done well - baseline market growth has been absolutely insane since ~2010. You’ve seen modest gains, my YoY is 48% right now and no one is managing my portfolio (or purely low fee large index funds).
You’ll be tickled to know that actively managed funds (mutual funds) underperform index funds on average. The Efficient Market Hypothesis is a fancier way of saying that the market is smarter and faster than any person (when not nefariously manipulated). All information is known and comprehended instantly.
Lol, the world operates on fiat currency - that exists only because governments say so - aka trust. It’s all made up, friend. Either it all counts or none of it does.
This article really reads like someone who never had to purchase a used car before/is kind of entitled.
OnStar can remote disable your car today, no need to opt in. It’s clearly different, but not that different, and people seems to not mind at all.
“It is impossible to test all hardware configs in all conditions with internal QA, hence public beta.”
So I just procured my own loan and bought private party used. It took me <5 min at the SoS in Michigan to walk out titled and plated (maybe 1 hour total effort for all steps involved: loan, insurance, titling). It doesn’t make sense that they can’t automate the entire process linking insurance to a state registry by…
“We love the name. We think it’s a big name. And, we’ve heard a lot of people from the nation that love the name.”
I assume the jutted out nose is some pedestrian protection? That’s my only gripe, it’s a handsome car.
I hate everything about this. Thanks I guess.
I can smell that car from the photos (take the GD air freshener down for pics man). Pass.
lol ok bud