
I gave up on reading this last night as it literally crashed my browser 3 times in a row because of the ads.

The 5G thing ... WOW. 

I’ve been doing my hard workouts at night (9PM) and going to bed around 11:30P, waking around 5:30-6A. We have kids, so routines are essential - and have helped me too. I learned a long time ago to let go of things I can’t control to the best of my ability. I’ve been sleeping pretty well, all things considered.

Yea, totally agree. I mentioned it further down in another comment, but they “can’t” really cut wages long term or cap increases, or else they risk a mass exodus of talent and stifled recruiting. I work in automotive and saw what happened in 2008 and afterward, seems like all the automotive companies learned something

I mean, the pain is coming all around, but I could see a permanent market correction (continued salary cuts) or stifled raises for a few years (salary stagnation) as equally likely events. Obviously, the longer this goes, it could likely end up being both - but then you’re running up against talent retention issues.

Yea, I have a sneaking suspicion the pay cuts aren’t really temporary.

“But maybe I am dreaming more than projecting.”

Body weight interval workouts online and a lot of hiking and running. I think I’ve actually slimmed down a bit with a lot more cardio in the mix. Could be cooking at home for all meals too I guess. 

Thank baby Jesus for the nice snap in the weather. We have 4/6 y.o. boys and we’re both technically working full time from home. It’s so tough because one is in preschool and one in kindergarten, so the distance learning is essentially worthless. They have so much energy, so many questions. And work is not letting up. 

I don’t know a single person with children that doesn’t respect/value/appreciate educators. They may be high strung, but I doubt any would switch roles given the chance. 

“All he has to do is accept that he is not a complete polymath, that his expertise in many fields does not make him an expert in every field, and simply stop trying to come to meaningful public conclusions about this pandemic. If he leaves epidemiology to experts, amplifies useful voices, and continues his delayed

what are the major 1.4 updates? I just started a new game and I wasn’t aware of anything major!

Ok. I can see the appeal of being single or DINKs in all of this as am introvert, but having kids home all day while trying to work and upkeep some level of education for them is honestly pretty damn exhausting.

OTOH, you come out with a job and a (somewhat solid) guarantee to be paid back. Everyone (except the ultra rich) in America is going to feel financial pain from this.

I operate my life on a largely fact based basis. Trump and Co. crapped the bed on Covid and deserve ire. Or are you advocating that Trump is indeed without fault and should not be criticized?

I’m not whining, I’m being condescending. That means I talk down to people. 

Ok, bro. We get it, keep your political bias and cognitive dissonance to yourself.

Aside from ass play, why would sex toys be grosser than shit you had in your mouth? Or is the concern you integrity since American dishwashers fucking autoclave that shit during dry cycles.

Trump said on Sunday that “we can’t let the cruise lines go out of business.”

Have you ever worked in the auto industry, or any industry for that matter? This isn’t your neighbor’s basement startup, it’s a massive company without access to manufacturing facilities or pretty much any other development facilities. To maintain 75% productivity is a lofty goal when your entire workforce is