
Yea I looked at it and was like, what am I supposed to .... OOOOOHHHH.

Hell yes on that Xenoblade news. That’s in my top 3 all time games. That’s earlier than I thought too! 

Salty much? Portable versions of these games will sell (I’ll be buying Borderlands and Bioshock), get over it.

Imagine going through life and getting this upset at shit like this. It’s like she sought one of the worst data points to make an example and try to stoke rage.

Does your bowl have enough food in it?

I mean, odds are that if they vote republican, the most statistically likely demographic is non-college educated white men.

You tired of all this winning yet?

Uh, a lot (I think all a this point) of the auto companies cut heads significantly last year during times of record profits. I would call that the definition of being brutally frugal during good times.

vs. nothng? Yes. Along with every single other person on earth.

Yea, like exactly what this article is talking about. 

Manufacturing back then (all components) was stateside, that’s what enabled that kind of turnaround. The world economy have spread component manufacturing around the world. I won’t tout the benefits of a world economy, but this highlights drawbacks. The manufacturing has no “Shit” to get together. Some of the

Yea, and dissolving the CDC’s pandemic response team ... that’s looking like really solid decision making. I’m sure the it made GREAT fiscal sense, like cutting most preventive maintenance/vanguard programs does if you are an idiot.

This fucking guy. China was on a literal country-wide lock down - not the American “recommendation”. That’s the kind of panic that halted the spread. You are keeping your plants open until the Sheriff shuts them down.

Dude, it’s about overrunning medical facilities all at once and a bunch of people dying from shit they could have survived (this virus included). The mortality rate sucks, but if you advocate for the increase of the mortality rate of a lot of other survivable conditions just to get this “over with quickly”, that’s a

Yea LW1, that’s a hard pass for me. That’s a point I know that *I* cannot return from. The whys and hows aren’t the critical part of it for me, because unless you explicitly discussed polyamory, that’s the worst breach of trust possible. Kids are tough and really strain a relationship, but that’s not an excuse to have

Oh yea, but that’s probably more accelerated plans of deproliferation for the EV bum rush. I don’t have a crystal ball, but I don’t see round two of the layoffs from 2019 on the table yet. On the other hand, what you said is absolutely accurate.

Sure, Jan.

Feel like editing that 10AM MS now, or just gonna own it?

Not likely at OEMs, supliers maybe. Even if it’s bad for 6 months (way beyond most expert timelines), that wouldn’t change product planning beyond some reasonable delays from lost dev time/tooling.