I think it looks like shit, but I’m not in this market. *shrugs*
I think it looks like shit, but I’m not in this market. *shrugs*
It’s interesting, because now people are buying it purely because it’s going on a run/selling out and they don’t want to be left without. They’re replicating behavior as a fear reflex. Also, misinformation or assumed supply shortage.
No thanks, I’m good.
Guess we get to see how a GOP government acts in a socialistic crisis.
So will you STFU when COVID-19 assuredly passes this number in the next few weeks or so with no signs of slowing down the spread across most of the world?
The older generation in my workplace is hammering on the “NBD! Flu kills xxx!” drum non-stop. Voices have started shaking a bit with the school closures.
I lost more money this week in my 401K than I made my entire life through college until my first real job.
Lol, my sons (6 and 4) play for like a half hour “unstuctured” before they are wrestling or fighting in some verbal capacity. Outside play doubles that, but they require course correction over time.
Live free and die!
Neat, that doesn’t make it any less wrong or illegal. “People do bad things” isn’t a very good argument.
I’m not sure what you’re arguing. You’ve been presented with why these states are called the Midwest. Are you choosing not to accept that?
Oh, so the laws only apply to some people, not special snowflakes? A little stealing is ok, it’s just a few items after all.
Well, the term wasn’t just invented since you were born, so there may be some historical context you’re not privy to.
Yea, stupid deep EPA big brother snowflakes. Let me know if I need to explain health and environmental impacts of pollution to you as I would a child:
Yeaaaaa, I’m in for this.
That’s an interior from the older CTS which is literally from 2008.
Google “requirements for living in a civilized society”. Good luck with life, bro.
In a post on its Weibo account last week, Tesla said the swap was due to a lack of supply of the HW3.0 chips and the company would replace the chip for customers who received cars with the HW2.5 systems.