
Maybe, maybe not, but her actions and words say otherwise. There are plenty of pictures when Michelle Obama is looking at Dubya very warmly...about as warmly as when Trump is hugging Kim Jong Un and gushing about letters of love between the two of them. I don’t know...maybe it’s me. I just find it upsetting when

I heard that redemption really means to change one's thinking, which would require recognition of the error of his ways before redemption could be achieved. I don't see that here.

There is an aspect to all of this that hasn’t gotten enough attention: what is meant by punishment, and what is meant by redemption?

These are narcissists. Sociopaths.

A reverse, all-female Australia, if you will.

This kind of shit just makes me think of when the smoking ban in bars went into effect. Suddenly, a lot of us smokers were forced to go outside on the patio and interact with other smokers we weren’t normally friends with or were really just bar friends. So I found myself surrounded by some right wingers from time to

Im extremely curious why these people are choosing to come forward now instead of during the campaign when voters could have acted on the information.

So she bans Kim Burrell from her show because of homophobic comments yet basically cites “let’s be kind to one another” with a war criminal who wanted his anti- LGBT views in the fucking constitution.

The blood sacrifice will be Kendall. Logan is happy to forgive Kendall’s weaknesses and betrayal - after all, he defeated Kendall’s machinations in the end, and his character flaws are what make him one of Logan’s most useful pawns.

I just loved Bill’s subtle message to Logan to not ‘come at me’.  Intimating he has his own insurance policy in case they would ever even think about it “I have enough material to write a book...” - brilliant!  He was no dummy.

Hey Adam, you might want to have read that exchange with her and the rest of the people she freaked out on before you rip on me.

So, any chance Logan is going to self-sacrifice - purposefully or by accident? They make a point to highlight every one of his outbursts during the “as seen previously...” trailer. When he say “blood sacrifice”, he looks resigned, not like he’s just tasted blood. Perhaps he’s planning on having a “stroke” of breakdown

Shiv is an Alpha and Tom is her cuckold. She married as high as she could while still being able to fuck around at will.

I find people’s reaction to Shiv fascinating because I think certain people who watch this show REALLY want her to be the “hero” of this story (like I saw someone on twitter do an alignment chart for Succession and somehow decided to put Shiv as Lawful Good which is BAFFLING. I mean doing an alignment chart for this

lol, you total idiot. I like Shiv plenty. I think she’s a great character. I just don’t think she is a beacon of virtue.

Yes, watching people bend over backwards to yas kween Shiv is really bizarre. She’s savvy, obviously, but she’s a huge piece of shit like the rest of them. I think this will become even more apparent next week when she’s given the choice between saving Tom or being the new CEO.

Ewan seems like a guy who might forgive a lot of things...but maybe not getting your name attached to a massive sexual abuse cover-up scandal in the national press.

I think this is the series’ highpoint. So much of what has been brewing since the first season came to a head this Sunday. This episode pushed the tragicomic theme of the show further than ever before. And, as always, the acting was phenomenal. In particular, Matthew Macfadyen, who fucking killed it this episode. His

Yeah, these reviews bend over backwards to defend Shiv. She threatens the woman with harassment unless she gives in. Couching it in maybes is not a defense. That was probably the most irredeemable act that Shiv has done in this show. That was straight up 4chan doxxing bullying. I’m perplexed how that was overlooked.