
How anyone can express surprise and indignation at the fact that monsters with overblown egos, massive entitlement and a disregard for others will not simply fade away quietly seems odd. They’ve proven they only care about their own needs and desires and are aided and abetted by celebrity culture and people’s desire

Tom isn’t a big enough fish, is he? Also, I think “blood sacrifice” suggests a close family member, a blood relation. 

Rhea was mostly just concerned with her own ass, I think. Maybe 20% of her had moral reservations, but mostly she just discovered she’s as expendable to Logan as anyone else.

Shiv maybe the “least bad” (I’m not convinced there is a least bad) but I don’t really see how she has suffered the most. It seems to me that they all suffer in different ways.

I avoided it for the same reason, but when I finally watched it I was shocked at how good it was. Give it a try. 

I thought I read that she broke up with him a while back. 

I’ve never heard it mentioned, but he also does the Rush Limbaugh thing where he says “democrat” for “democratic.”

Trump is normalizing misspelling and improper punctuation!

I read Jezebel because I am interested in women’s issues, to educate myself on same and to check my attitudes. But sometimes we just don’t see eye to eye.

“Lie” is a pretty inflammatory word. He never says “I was forced out” or or even “I was treated unfairly.” He does say “I couldn’t stay” after describing all the reasons he thought stepping down was the lesser of two evils.

I was hoping he would offer to come forward with his involvement in the accident. Then I half expected him to burst into the parlor and confess to the parents. I would have said that Kendall’s mother turned out to be even worse than Logan, but Logan hit a new despicable low tonight.

His teeth really bother me. I find them very distracting. Plus, and I could be wrong on this, but he seems just a procedure or two away from too much plastic surgery. 

Hey, the second amendment doesn’t say anything about vape pens....

It’s funny you mention “uncertainty.” For years, the right always warns that the worst thing for the economy is uncertainty.

Hell, we’ve already got socialism, it’s just the reverse vampire kind with subsidies, enterprise zones, the capital gains tax rate, industry subsidies, tax loopholes that allow tax shelters..,

Guess I need to get out more, but I wasn’t aware of any Shiv hate until reading this thread.

The roast was a nice bit of characterization, but I couldn’t help but think that no one believed for a second that she ACTUALLY prepared it.

Tabitha does kind of belittle him in private and humiliated him at dinner. Roman wanted to have sex when they returned to the room, but it seemed more like trying to prove something not lust. He needs the whole mother figure thing, the taboo thing. Role play  just doesn’t scratch that itch.

I thought that dance was just a funny thing on Letterkenny, but I guess people really do that, huh?

I didn’t love The Girl in The Spider’s Web, but Salander is a great character that needs more and better movies.