
If the Broccolis were smart, they would introduce a bad-ass female or POC or two different characters as 003 & 006 (or whatever numbers you like), then spin those characters off into their own movies. If they really created great characters that connected, they could have three different “Bond” movies going at once.

Jeez, I know Jezebel HATES Williamson, but this is a pretty alarmist and silly take.

Well, it’s really pointless to continue this, but what the hell...

I understand and agree that people shouldn’t say harmful things. I watched the special again this weekend, trying to be aware of the criticism.

Chandler having trouble coming to grips with his trans parent seems pretty realistic. I was never a fan of the show, so maybe the specific jokes were horribly anti-trans, but if Chandler was consistently the butt of the jokes, that seems okay.

Everything you wrote is true. Everyone has an absolute right to have the feelings they feel.

Are you saying Chapelle is the snowflake here? I don’t buy that. He’s always laughing about everyone he pisses off and often has thoughtful responses to that anger.

The special was funny. I groaned when he said he didn’t believe MJ’s accusers, but the jokes that followed kind of redeemed that initially startling and disturbing statement.

I thought most of the new special was funny, including some of the “pedophile” stuff. I laughed out loud several times. If you didn’t, or didn’t watch it, it’s pointless to try to explain why I found it funny.

I’m a middle aged male and have recently had a major surgery to correct a life threatening condition. This has made me look back at my life and reassess.

Karl and Tom debasing themselves seems consistent with both of them. Tom constantly debases himself with his obsequiousness to Logan and in his relationship with his wife. I mentioned above that I think he enjoys being a cuckold.

I don’t think I put it together as completely as you did, but “cowardly” is not an adjective I’d associate with Shiv. I knew she had an ulterior motive sending Tom into the lion’s den, especially since she should know (as did Gerri and Karl) that the only person Logan would take less seriously than Tom is Gregg.

I think Tom is into being a cuckold, even if he doesn’t quite realize it himself. The way he took her into his arms after she all but admitted she cheated on him, was pretty telling.

I see where YOU’RE coming from, I have to admit that I find myself relating and empathizing with many characters that I probably shouldn’t, even when I know they are terrible and I would hate them in real life. For me, I guess it’s an extension of the suspension of disbelief that fiction requires.

Except you’re supposed to eat the whole bird, bones, beak and all. 

I’m with you. There’s NO WAY this could be any good, but I’m hoping like hell it will be. In a similar vein, I’m both hoping and dreading that Pierre La Fou shows up. He was such a great villain, but seems really easy to screw up  

I agree completely with this.

I posted this on another article, and the scripts are written, but I think a great idea for the Obi Wan series (at least season 1) is as follows: Obi Wan, with an infant Luke, are intercepted on their way to Tattooine. They are forced to make a crash landing (on a NEW planet we’ve never seen) and have a series of

It probably is a double standard that Pitt doesn’t get the question. I assume the question was asked, in the first place, because PB was a heartthrob and someone thought it would be cute to ask her, essentially, did she have a crush on BP. The question was asked 25 years later, or whatever, because maybe she had some

I can’t believe I’m going to bother with this but here goes....