
I enjoy that show but haven’t seen it in a while.

It seems like, hopefully, just a matter of time before someone uses this against a Christian. I’ll be very curious to see how that shakes out. 

What about a “24” style action thriller about Obi Wan’s journey to Tatooine with Luke. Each episode covers a day. Maybe they are followed by an enemy who diverts them, kidnaps Luke, etc. kinda like you were suggesting, but on the way to, not on Tatooine. 

I don’t believe that’s what MikeD was saying or implying.

Jeeze, never thought I’d ever say this but: I’m glad I live in Missouri. 

It’s notable and sad for many reasons, but I was shocked that he admitted that anyone knew more about a subject than he!

Almost as good as companies that wrap every ad in the Stars & Stripes and very loudly and ostentatiously “support the troops.”

I agree. Conservatives also see unlimited, unregulated gun-ownership as a solution to much of what ails us.

That line was the only off note of her statement. Seemed a little like a veiled insult to the actor who replaced her.

Well, millennials apparently don’t own homes, so not that one...

I thought the funniest line of the night was Sandy’s: “Let’s proceed with that plan, then.”

“Taste” is an all time favorite. I really miss Jeffrey Rosengarten.

I thought the sequel was far inferior to the original. 

I know this will sound unfeeling, but what is there to understand about the victims? They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Remember them? Yes. Honor them of course! But the perp is the one we need to understand, as a way to help figure out a solution to tragedies like this. 

No one is obligated to forget anything, but usually the idea of justice includes some kind of rehabilitation and the idea of paying one’s debt to society.

Not that you care, but I agree with pretty much everything you wrote, but the problem is that government has done some pretty shady things, too. The common denominator being people. They tend to suck.

Am I nuts, or didn’t “yada yada yada” already exist before Seinfeld?

I don’t see the utility in that. Ronald Reagan could come back to life running on the democratic ticket, and it would swing exactly zero republican votes.

Now that I’ve read the New Yorker piece, I think the response was overblown and unfair.