
Man, thank you. If you actually listen to Yang’s critiques and ideas most of what he says is very well thought out. You’d think that the past 40 years of technological revolution would make people wake up to the fact that technology is accelerating, but instead they label anyone looking out for our future with tech as

Hey, it really is, but you do you?

It’s funny, I had no idea the phrase “diversity of opinion” was so loaded, yet it’s those three words you have referenced in every utterly redundant response you have posted in this thread.

What have I said that is bullshit? Seriously, what are you even referring to?

You’ve responded to me twice with insults, totally unprovoked. Not only that, you can’t come up with an objectively justifiable reason for doing so. Yet you give the impression that you think you are taking the high road in this exchange? Laughable.

Intentionally ignorant as well. She provides blanket criticism devoid of any meaningful substance and fails to delve into Yang’s actual policies. Trash article. Luckily, Yang would never listen to someone as disingenuous as this writer.

Now back up your assertion by pointing out specifically which parts of my post were nonsense. Many thanks

Bernie and Warren have visions that will never. ever. ever be agreed to by conservatives and libertarians. Democrats have been promising to revamp the tax code and get the rich to “pay their fair share” my entire life (I’m 41). They never get it done. They never will. The powers that be will never allow it.

its actually a very good show.

I think this is an effort to get clicks by being polarizing. Nevertheless, Joe Rogan’s podcast with Andrew Yang and the H3H3 podcast are two great sources to hear Yang’s eloquent, rational, and modern solutions to our worst and most pressing problems. I was skeptical myself, but I haven’t heard anyone talk this

hey, take it easy. She has a full time job writing advertising copy for Juul. Kinda hard to follow all this politics stuff too. 

I agree, Sebastian, this article is immature and mischaracterizes what he represents, at best. Andrew Yang’s ideas are by far, the most comprehensive and well thought out.

you arent incorrect but I think the author is mischaracterizing Yang’s supporters because real white nationalists wouldn’t support him. This was just a smear job on the authors part

This.. Thanks for saying exactly whats in my mind. Coming from the tech field myself and helping companies transform with AI, his freedom dividend makes absolute sense. He is also the only candidate who has a grasp of tech. Tech used by our govt is getting antiquated. Having someone with Yang’s perspective will be

Star Wars was an incredibly derivitive story wrapped in shiny packaging with fun performances.

That doesn’t mean it’s bad.

So... You’re just gonna ignore the replies that have an actual point against you there? Tells us more about you, really.

My reasoning for Taxi Driver is how badly he’s wounded...and if even THAT is a fantasy. It’s a very hazy film told by a very unreliable narrator to my mind, whereas King of Comedy has a few more perspectives if that makes sense.

The King of Comedy is so god damn good. I think it’s neat that Joker cast DeNiro, I’m sure that was an intentional connection.

Gonna set the room on fire with this flaming hot take: I’m looking forward to seeing this movie because it looks good and interesting and I like good and interesting movies. The actors seem like they put in good performances, and I like all those actors based upon their previous work. I bet it looks good, and probably

You’re such a brave, good person.