
AV Club:  Where we read other, substantive articles for you!

If he’s convex and she’s concave, wouldn’t that mean that they actually fit together?

I never really liked the whole “only actors who are exactly similar to some fictional role” should be cast thing. It is different if it is a biopic based on a real person (and even that is debatable), but it is a remarkable stretch to get all worked up over some fictional property. The entire job description of actor

Don’t be so superficial. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.
To that end, I want a girl with the kidneys of Rachel Weisz, the bone marrow of Sandra Bullock and the duodenum of Wonder Woman.

I was being sarcastic. Both of those times he was replaced were met with massive backlash. Odds are good that this new replacement will face the same backlash, unless they create an absolutely astounding new character out of the gate. It’s not a sign of limited imagination to recognize patterns. 

Geez, available +40 years old ladies are so sexy yet hard to find in this country that they are the real unicorns.

This sorta shit is dumb because we all know it’s not going to last. Bruce Wayne will be back as Batman, or never stop being Batman so this new guy won’t ever really be Batman. Azrael was never really Batman, neither was Dick Grayson.

Because Azrael and Jim Gordon were both so beloved when they took the cowl.

This is the kind of thing that kind of sounds good at first, but is actually so stupid. Like, a dick pic is gross at worst, it doesn’t actually harm anyone. And the digital world, like the real world, has lots of different contexts, with different implied expectations. This law ignores that.

“if you haven’t explicitly told the sender you’d like to see a photo of their junk and they send you one, they’ve violated the law. Apparently, the law might run up against some First Amendment issues”

Illegal to send a dick pic. But bring your assault rifle anywhere you want. Texas.

But it’s OK if you include a picture of your gun alongside your dick. The Second Amendment protects the First. #MolonLabe #ComeAndGetIt #DontMessWithTexas

Yes sometimes when I pay for coffee they thank me profusely and even go so far as to call me “Sir”. So that totally means baristas, and all cashiers really, have the utmost respect and admiration for helping them out by buying stuff. You should see how kind wait staff is to me always checking up me and asking if I

That’s not really true though. One of the ongoing threads in Batman books has always been that Batman’s rogues aren’t really bad guys, they’re just people that need help.

One thing I’ve always wondered: How is it that most of the Batman villains are classified as “criminally insane”? Because it seems like there’s an awful lot of premeditation going on in most of their schemes.

You should skip Schindler’s List too. Nazis kill a lot of people in that one!

If these men want kids so much why don’t they go and make one with a woman that wants the same or adopt one or pay child support.

I think what’s more American is your response.

And, critically, Jezebel is the exact place I would run to for a scathing write up of just such an interview. I am surprised that advocating for someone’s personal sexual privacy is suddenly less important than “journalistic integrity.”

Lana Del Rey sings pretty explicitly about sex. It would still look weird to see a male journalist go “how do you like to fuck, though?