
“We knowingly and voluntarily chose to have a marriage-like ceremony, fully aware that it was not legally binding.” Weird flex!

And the world yawns...Leslie Jones was always a bit out of her element on SNL and was going to use it as a stepping stone.

I remember like ten years ago when they were floating “Cowboy Bebop” as a live action movie (horrible idea) instead of a show (better idea) and had pre-John Wick Keanu Reeves floated as Spike. I was like “hellll noooo” but now I’m thinking he’d be fine. Bit lanky and loose, has a laid back, self deprecating charisma,

She clearly married Tom because she wants a spineless jellyfish and cuckold, who would take her and her family’s abuse and let her whore around with impunity. Someone who would take all of the abuse and disrespect for the change to be a hanger on in the world of the 1%.

The irony is that she is the most competent and intelligent of the siblings and is also the one who has her shit together. There are times I feel as you do - that she is being set up for a fall. Then other times I feel as though she is a step ahead of everyone and able to maneuver around her father (for example, by

“Jost’s mostly toothless jokes and constant mugging are countered by Che making one joke about black people written by a committee of white people” is always my favorite.

It’s kind of hard to create an objective metric for measuring something that's purely subjective. I always found it helps when they provide you with some common world examples along with the numbers, e.g. 3 is the feeling when you first stub your toe.

It is just as weird that a 21 year old is friends with a 6 year old as it is that a 36 year old is dating a 21 year old.

I’d like to see more study on what people are thinking of when they decide what “10" on a 1-10 scale means to them. Is it the worst pain they’ve ever felt themselves, or are they picturing some Mel Gibson-esque live intestine removal? Is their personal pain scale linear or logarithmic?

Nice review. Love the show, and find the acting on the whole amazing (esp. McFadden — poor, poor Tom!), but I do find myself wondering at times about something another commenter noted below — are the characters stable, or do their core characteristics shift with the writers’ needs? What happened to Kendall’s addiction

Four litres is about 4.79 (Canadian).

I see where you’re coming from but no one in this programs gets the adjective “poor” (not emotionally or financially) from me. I am fascinated by the sociopathic behavior of every major player on this show; I am determined to not fall into a trap of starting to feel for anyone because they all deserve the worst that

I know they needed Greg in the mix because of his meeting with the writer but it’s not believable he would have been on that corporate retreat.

Only kittens and perverts

Poor Shiv. She is getting set up. I’m not quite sure for what, but she’s gonna get screwed.

Am I the only one who thinks Shiv finessed Tom, Gerri etc into questioning Logan’s poison pill/acquisition strategy specifically to stir her father’s paranoia about loyalty and to manipulate him into bringing her in? Shiv is ruthless and she knows her father better than any of her siblings. She’s been quietly studying

This is how many days after he said Johnson and Johnson should give the VA all their supply of Experimental Super Soldier Trucker Speed antidepressants?

Welcome to America in 2019, where a Republican president orders private businesses how to run their operations and where free market capitalism is a communist idea. 

“a beach house, travel, dining, and spending on adult men...”